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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. "Every country has the government it deserves." -Joseph de Maistre
  2. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
  3. Clinton didn't create a surplus in the late 90's, someone else made that happen. Namely our Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Obama. He was so far ahead of his time that He, by His mere presence and actions of voting 'present', made that happen. Now worship Him you heathen racist greedy 1%er jackwagon!
  4. Don't forget team that uses the exploitation of simple miners in San Francisco, the teams that glorify rapists, thieves and murderers in both Oakland and Tampa Bay, the celebration of oppressors/murders/racists by both Dallas and Houston and the clearly scary nicknames invoked by the Minnesota team's ghastly color scheme (not to mention that team's penchant for bringing to light all of the atrocities committed against the peoples of western Europe 1,000+ years ago). Don't even get me started on the violent imagery perpetuated by the teams in the WNBA and NHL. Evil racist corporatist bastards exploiting everyone and everything.
  5. This is Boehner's and Bush's fault. Probably Bush Sr.'s, Reagan's, Ford's and Nixon's too. The buck passes here!
  6. Boehner was the 20th hijacker. Bush was on the grassy knoll.
  7. Just as they had to pass the abortion of a law so that we could find out what was in it, they had to implement this nonsense so that we could all find out how much it sucks. Everyone who predicted that this exact scenario would happen back before the bill was passed were just racist teabaggers using Faux News generated feigned outrage to keep the black man down. Besides, the failure of Obamacare is all Bush's and Boehner's fault.
  8. Here's my favorite part: He should not only wear his uniform to school when dropping off his child, he should bring a uniformed friend. There's nothing the school can do about it. If they try to punish the kid, there's going to be a media shitstorm.
  9. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to live in a world without the Indian Arts & Crafts Board. Call your Congressmen immediately and demand that they pass something without reading it so that we can find out what they're passing later!
  10. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/ It's scary how fast this movie premise is coming true...
  11. Abdul is the exact reason why we need stricter gun control laws. He could have harmed one of those poor innocent people being held hostage by terrorists determined to torture and murder them. Absolutely irresponsible that he would enter a mall with an assault pistol and attempt to heroically save people from misunderstood religious believers just trying to make a peaceful point.
  12. I wonder how the Russians are going to appreciate this comment from Assad: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/assad-forget-chemicals-other-weapons-123152425.html He also brags a bit about how he has "other" weapons that he can use to take out Israel in "the blink of an eye". I love middle eastern dictators. They're always good for a laugh.
  13. So, um, why did they have to use a budget provision as legislative trickery to bypass the normal procedures to pass laws, if Obamacare has nothing to do with the budget? Why are their new taxes imposed and tax penalties for noncompliance, if it has nothing to do with the budget? Oh well, only what, a little under 3 and a half years until the next shitstain president?
  14. So, by this logic (or lack thereof), Jesus isn't our savior because the Jews have REJECTED him as the Messiah?
  15. Easy man, just put the assault knife away. See, this is why we need restrictions on who can own or possess sharp/pointy objects. We need new laws and regulations for background/mental health checks prior to letting people like Chef Jim handle knives and limits on the amount of knives allowed in a drawer.
  16. The US government didn't screw up; someone else made that happen.
  17. That looked like an assault shotgun to me, using the NY definition of 'assault weapon' as anything that looks scary. Let's pass stupid laws to ban everything so that people who are going to ignore the law and do as they please anyhow will be discouraged from illegally obtaining firearms to illegally discharge them at people, illegally killing them. You know, cause people who ignore the law to murder people will follow gun control laws.
  18. Here's the associated picture:
  19. Owning stock is bad, you evil racist teabagger. You should pay your fair share, not make investments to plan for the future like a greedy evil corporatist rightwingnutjob.
  20. Those judges seem to be making an argument for the 'Dumb Mother!@#$ers of the Year' award. What an idiotic decision.
  21. Through Chicago...
  22. Well that's just racist nonsense. The Chosen One's twitter followers simply live in the same fictional congressional districts that Obama "saved or created" millions of jobs in, as well as in the 51st through 57th states. Along the gulf coast. I'm surprised that people like the above Faux News-inspired nobody blogger just aren't smart enough to understand Dear Leader's nuance and calculus... they're probably spending too much time clinging to their guns and bibles and not building (writing?) anything.
  23. Meh, they didn't report my correct pay.
  24. Well, at least people didn't vote for the inexperienced Palin to be a "heartbeat" away from the Presidency 5 years ago...
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