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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The ghost of Trayvon Martin can rest easily knowing that there will be no more murdered innocent children thanks to the efforts of the DCPD in seizing a spent assault casing.
  2. Just stick with the term "Community Organizer". It makes describing Oblambam's temper tantrums much easier to keep straight.
  3. Perhaps movie stars should be limited to 20x scale.
  4. I'd love to see Boehner get up to the podium and say, "the Obama Administration doesn't negotiate on Obamacare", and not allow any legislation delaying the mandate to reach the floor.
  5. Remember to stretch first.
  6. The real question is whether you bring your lunch pail to work every day.
  7. This is somehow Bush's, Romney's, Cheney's Reagan's and Boehner's fault.
  8. I would respectfully disagree with this statement. Poor people are professionals at navigating complex bureaucracies to obtain benefits.
  9. Perhaps you should get together with your co-workers and vote yourself a pay raise, better benefits and the right to have your "company" provide you a similar cross-country shuttle service at no charge to you.
  10. These kids need to learn a life lesson: If you don't want to get blown out, get better. Don't whine to Mommy and Daddy to file a frivolous lawsuit.
  11. Talk about phoning it in...
  12. Because Obama and the Democrats are completely blameless for everything. Just ask them.
  13. Didn't HHS hire Obama's campaign IT firm to do the Obamacare website?
  14. Not that I want to give any semblance of defense to that idiot Obama's bungling of foreign policy, but maybe the Saudis should think about taking care of their own region instead of throwing a temper tantrum after their "hands-off backroom dealing let everyone else do the hard work for us" policies don't work. I don't remember the Saudis moving into position to bomb Assad after he gassed his own people, but somehow we're the !@#$s for not doing it? They're nothing but a bunch of spineless immature hypocrites. In fact, they're just as spineless as our immature-hypocrite-in-chief.
  15. She seems to be the type that would either be wild in the sack or an entitled dead lay. Either way, yes I would. Multiple times.
  16. I would suspect that this isn't going to be the only record shattered, as Obama effectively has unlimited authority to borrow until next January. The debt ceiling wasn't so much raised as removed.
  17. How's that leg tingle working out for him?
  18. I'm sure he does have them. He probably gets to see them on the rare occasions that Mrs. Obama (and/or Nancy Pelosi) pulls them out and rests them on Harry Reid's chin.
  19. That's not your red line; someone else drew that.
  20. Looks like they're going to toughen ID requirements for signing up for Obamacare and authorizing enough money to allow for a blue ribbon bi-partisan supercommittee to convene and hammer out the budget divide. Blue Ribbon Supercommittee. They ain't f'ing around. http://news.yahoo.com/compromise-or-collapse--lawmakers-eye-breakthrough-on-debt--spending-150123572.html
  21. So you can insult the fine people who hunted whales as a profession by using a derogatory slur to promote the franchise? Or mock the plight of endangered species by glorifying the heartless brutes who slaughtered the poor innocent whales by the thousands? You heartless callous bastard.
  22. Damn that Bush and Boehner. Those evil redneck racist bible-clinging gun enthusiasts who hate women, puppies, blacks and the poor sabotaged Obamacare's rollout. Somehow. 'Cause that's how they roll.
  23. You cannot possibly be this stupid. The Democrats HAD a 60-vote supermajority to pass the initial version, then ended up foregoing the filibuster and using a budget gimmick to force a straight vote on the final version after Ted Kennedy died and Brown won the Senate seat. Not one Republican voted for Obamacare. Not. One. All the bull **** revisionist lies 4 years later doesn't change that immutable fact.
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