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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He will be especially mad at the GOP, who is responsible for all of this. If they hadn't had conservatives split into the various TEA Party groups, then there would be nothing for the IRS to audit or report to the FEC. Damn that BoehnerCruzBushCheney.
  2. Nah, it just means he didn't authorize it. The book doesn't paint him in a heroic light, embarrass his political enemies or put Israel in a tough situation - therefore he didn't leak it.
  3. I think the Raiders game was over at halftime...
  4. In other news, the TSA has just announced a ban on loose pieces of paper from all airports.
  5. It will be an interesting debate over legislative intent, which usually presumes that the Congress meant what language was in the bill that was passed.
  6. I don't know if that's really a scathing indictment. It looks like "Mr. Malaise" is simply setting Obama up to blame others. "Under the circumstances" meaning the "mess" Bush left him that he is still apparently "cleaning up" 5 years into his presidency. I'm equally sure that Mr. Carter means that the implementation of Obamacare was questionable by the GOP governors, not the Chosen One or his administration. Carter is the same jackwagon who stated that the only reason people dislike Obama as a president is because he's black. I will say this of Obama, he did bring Hope and Change! His magnificent ability to read from a teleprompter gave stupid people hope, and he changed Washington forever. Now instead of the buck stopping at the Resolute desk, it passes there. Let him be clear, that no one is more upset over the failure of leadership in the United States than Obama. Just as soon as he figures out who is in charge, some sonofabitch is going to hear from the IRS!
  7. At this point, I really wouldn't be that surprised if Obama declared a permanent state of emergency in January of 2017 and decreed (by executive order, of course) that he needed to stay in office indefinitely so that he could take care of us all, without that pesky Congress or court system getting in the way.
  8. Well, at least that's an incredibly cost-effective amount of information to spread. Quarter-page flyers in quantity can be created cheaply.
  9. Most transparent administration ever! At least with other nation's secrets. Sounds like our mature non-petty thick-skinned glorious leader just wants to try to put Israel in a difficult situation after all the noise they've been making about Iran's diplomatic overtures.
  10. Damn that Ted Cruz. I don't know how that man sleeps and night with the blood of over 100,000 Syrian deaths on his hands.
  11. I think the more appropriate analogy is that you tell the man who has committed a murder with a gun that he will go free if he hands over the gun... and don't worry about the 5 other murders by knife.
  12. Obama runs the most transparent administration in history. That's a bona fide certified guaranteed indisputable fact. Just ask them*. *You may only ask that simple question; you may not engage the administration in any other line of inquiry. You will look where they tell you to look and above all else you are to not EVER peek behind the curtain without permission - which, as previously mentioned, you are not permitted to ask for. FORWARD!
  13. The fascinating thing is that Shemp was an original stooge, before Curly came into the act to replace him.
  14. The ends justify the means. #FORWARD
  15. Obama didn't lie. The TEA Party acting on behalf of Boehner, Cheney and Bush made him do it.
  16. That would be perfect to fit into a parody of one of Hillary's 'Who is going to answer the 2:00am phone call?' commercials.
  17. Nor are they really ever going to be anything more than a nuisance. Somehow I highly doube that this NSA DDOS "attack" did anything to affect their internal systems, just like when the CIA public site was "attacked" a few years ago.
  18. ...and back in the real world, Anonymous is going to end when the FBI nabs a bunch more of them and most of the rest grow up, getting jobs.
  19. It is when you can work the bureaucracy to get on disability for the rest of your life.
  20. She, like RGIII, is not "down with the cause" and is therefore not black. Edit: Nevermind, Rev. Sharpton has other fish to fry that are more important. Sharpton threatens store boycott over profile suit http://news.yahoo.com/sharpton-threatens-store-boycott-over-171249957.html
  21. Anonymous isn't so anonymous when they piss off the agencies who hire better hackers to track them down... http://news.yahoo.com/13-members-anonymous-indicted-213410522--politics.html Though somehow I doubt that they're accomplishing anything more than annoying a few people with these antics.
  22. My impression is that he's just spouting random nonsense in an effort to get attention, while going out of his way to avoid engaging in actual discussion where he may have to admit that the random nonsense is random nonsense.
  23. What a racist picture. Does that artist seriously think that Angela Merkel and the German people are so backwards that they use flip phones? The Germans aren't exactly Jerry Jones! Romney has a horse.
  24. The Obama administration didn't break that website or create a colossal abortion of a health insurance bill, someone else made that happen... ...like the GOP. Hope & Change! Yes We Can! FORWARD!
  25. Romney's wife has a horse. 47% don't pay taxes. Romney left a dog on the roof of a car and bullied some gay guy 50+ years ago.
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