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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I'm fairly certain she has never been accused of either being competent or using what passes for her looks to get ahead.
  2. Nonsense, elections shouldn't matter according to Pelosi. Pshaw, it's not "tens of millions" losing insurance, it's a measly 5%. That means 95% of the US population isn't affected by this minor glitch that no one could have predicted. You know what's also 5%? A nickel. Who cares about a nickel? What can you buy with a nickel anyhow? Nothing, that's right.
  3. That hurts. I'm going to go cut myself, have a nice cry and eat a quart of ice cream. Thanks for ruining my life, !@#$.
  4. B, why do you hate poor people?
  5. Uh, since when can school districts pass enforceable laws? Also, how is this dumb bastard a Sheriff? Was the race for dog warden too hotly contested?
  6. The apology almost writes itself: Let me be clear, no one is more upset over people misunderstanding what I said about the Affordable Care Act than I am. Period. I am truly sorry and humbly apologize to the American public that they were misled about the ACA disaster created by the obstructionist GOP and the mess that was left to me by the previous administration. I knew that when I took this job that I was going to be in for a lot of hard work. I feel that I have done an outstanding job cleaning up the messes that other people have created. I am doing everything that I can do so that I do not have to continue to apologize to the American people like I am doing right now. I feel that it is unfortunate that I must come out here and give this speech that I am giving right now apologizing for everything. In conclusion, I bless America. Thank you; I've been great tonight.
  7. You've got to be kidding me... http://news.yahoo.com/thousands-afghan-elders-decide-u-troops-stay-194112527.html He should just go on another worldwide apology tour. Maybe give Putin a handie while he's at it. Seriously? The asshat is going to write a letter of apology to the Afghans? I'm not a fan of Lindsey Graham, but he's right here:
  8. I don't understand the problem. I would gladly negotiate a trade agreement, armistice, surrender - whatever the hell she wanted to talk about - with her boobs. Though I can see the headlines now: "Lovestruck negotiator gives 1/6 of US Economy to Serbia - gets to motorboat in return". Probably still better than Obamacare... As for the "discipline" because of her racy photographs... yeah she can discipline me all night long.
  9. Let me be clear: if you like your shopping cart, you can keep your shopping cart. Period.
  10. There was that one time he meant "Comma".
  11. They did blame the GOP governors for not having state websites, thus "forcing" people to use healthcare.gov, resulting in the major crash. Obama was blameless. Damned racist anti-women gun toting bible thumping teabaggers!
  12. Oh yeah, wasn't that just as hilarious as a US Ambassador being killed?
  13. More importantly, Trayvon Obama had skittles and iced tea! Arizona brand, no less! That son of a B word was up to no good!
  14. What the !@#$ do we care about "mending" our relationship with Russia? They've done everything they could to be a thorn in our side for years. They don't want a cordial relationship, they want to be a cold war counterweight to our power. Leave it to that clueless asshat Obama to just keep taking it up the rear end from Putin and think he's going to either get a reach around or a hug.
  15. C'mon man, you know that the deaths of elephants are a serious thing while the deaths of State Dept. employees is a hilarious joke that doesn't matter.
  16. Perhaps, but I'm sure those deaths are hilarious to the left. FDR didn't win the war. Someone else made that happen.
  17. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, Cruz and Boehner got to them. This is all the GOP's fault. Damned racist teabaggers.
  18. Their first priority is to survive the mid-term elections. They're going to do everything they can to delay as many of the Obamacare mandates as possible until mid-November, and they will do everything they can to delay release of the 2015 rates until after the elections. Then once everyone is pissed off that they got lied to and screwed yet again, they will throw Obama under the bus and promote Hillary as the one who can fix Obamacare. It will be irrelevant whether or not Obama objects to being thrown under the bus; he'll be marginalized as a lame duck.
  19. Obama has proven time and again that he will say anything, no matter the consequences or how obvious of a lie, to further his image/legacy.
  20. Gee, what a shock that the left wants to ignore the Bill of Rights when it doesn't suit them.
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/philadelphia-voters-elect-whig-public-office-225242600--politics.html
  22. "Elections shouldn't matter". - Nancy Pelosi
  23. They'll be too busy investigating George Zimmerman's civil rights prosecution for the DOJ.
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