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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yes, I know. However, the mob didn't get much past fingers when their little party was broken up and she was taken under the protection of the women in the area. It's all good.
  2. Well she did make the mistake of running a story that paints the Chosen One's administration in a negative light. She would have been better served faking documents about Bush. I'd still !@#$ the **** out of her though.
  3. They had to vote for secession to see what would be in it.
  4. Well he was against it before he was for it. Then he gave himself a purple heart for the paper cut he received looking over the text of the deal.
  5. I wonder who she voted for in 2008 and 2012.
  6. Now you're just selling Obama short. He is fully capable of rolling up his sleeves to look like he's working for photo opportunities. See, sleeves are rolled up while he's acting like he's doing something.
  7. What, you can't believe that Obama is capable of reading a teleprompter speech about other people playing chess? I say reading a speech about chess, because we all know that buffoon is far too short-sighted and stupid to actually be playing the game himself.
  8. At least the one on the left seems like she'd have the decency shoot you while looking you in the face, rather than the moment you turned your back.
  9. On the bright side, France gave Obama permission to sign off on the agreement with China and Russia also signing. So it's not really Obama's fault if Iran reneges on the deal. Someone else made that happen.
  10. I think that he's not completely wrong about Proposition 13 being a problem - it was too draconian and hamstrung the state's finances too much. I don't really disagree with the premise of preventing people from being priced out of their homes, but it went too far. Though it did give rise to bureaucratic ingenuity with in assessing fees on everything. However, the bigger problem is (as usual) the unconstrained spending. That's what libtards will never understand. There isn't unlimited money.
  11. I think that it's a given that Obama will go into a flurry of patronage nominations, his lapdogs in the Senate confirm them, then the Democrats lose control of the Senate in January 2015. If the GOP were smart, they would make noise without obstructing *too* much, and as soon as they control the Senate and the White House, completely eliminate the filibuster, reverse every one of these liberal cluster!@#$ policies Obama enacted, eliminate all of the judicial positions Obama just appointed people to, destroy the liberal sacred cows, restore some fiscal sanity and then reinstitute the filibuster on the eve of losing the Senate with a provision that it cannot be modified further without 75% of the Senate approving it. Too bad they're not smart.
  12. Let the libtards have (and destroy) their paradise. Everyone with money will pull out, taking their companies (and jobs) with them, and relocate to states with more rational laws.
  13. Lincoln actually had a set of balls. Obama has to consult with France to borrow theirs.
  14. You and your "white privilege". Unless those foods are widely available to the poor hungry black people in Ethiopia and Thailand, they are per se racist. Stop oppressing the "black and brown boys"!
  15. How would silicone implants help a male with breast feeding?
  16. 1.) Maybe if you stop treating them differently, they wouldn't have to be treated differently. 2.) It's pretty offensive to call them "black and brown boys". Racist B word. 3.) What about your teachers of non-Caucasian descent? Lecturing to them about their "white privilege" is pretty racist and offensive, you racist B word. Don't have any minority teachers? Racist B word.
  17. Great, so how exactly is a 32 year old gay man protected by having the policy he liked cancelled in accordance with the dictates of HHS and the ACA, and now being forced to pay more money than he was paying so that his new policy can include maternity care?
  18. Wasn't he the idiot who yesterday was claiming that the filibuster was rooted in racism and slavery?
  19. Except that many of those who had health insurance for when they got sick were just deprived of that insurance and are now forced to pay more for less. The other thing that doesn't seem to register is that maybe some people just don't want treatment. Who are you to determine that they must be put on life support, or that they must seek medical attention? What good is health insurance that you can't afford with unreasonable out-of-pocket deductibles when you can no longer afford to eat or pay rent because of the new cost that you're forced, by law, to bear?
  20. I think he figures he's done after this term - after he only won re-election due to is last challenger being a complete moron and assclown - and doesn't really care about the long-term damage he does for short-term political gain.
  21. The spoiled rich kid 1%er needs to pay his fair share. For the good of all. He clearly doesn't need two kidneys, two lungs or an entire liver.
  22. The point you're missing is that people have the choice not to have a car. They have been statutorily deprived of the choice not to enter a private contract to buy Obamacare.
  23. Romney has a horse. Christie is fat.
  24. Look at the bright side. The government will be flush with cash from all of these "non-tax" penalty taxes assessed against people whose insurance was cancelled because of Obamacare and who cannot buy Obamacare-compliant policies because the website is screwed up.
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