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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. They have a cream for that. The gophers also fly at midnight unless it's pie.
  2. I agree. We should forcibly redistribute his wealth, as it's only "fair".
  3. I actually like that analogy. Is it immoral for Peyton Manning to be a sure-fire first ballot hall of famer, while Ryan Leaf, who arguably had similar physical abilities and opportunities as Manning, is out of the league? Is it immoral that Peyton Manning is making ~$20 million per season while Leaf would be lucky to earn 20 cents per hour in prison? Or is it a simply a matter of Manning putting in the work necessary to earn what he has, while Leaf busted out by being a lazy nutjob junkie?
  4. Well in fairness, they have to pass the suck before they can know what they're embracing.
  5. Let me be clear, there is no point, it makes no difference and nothing happened. I have personally looked at this issue myself and that I have concluded after I went through an exhaustive investigation involving the people I put into that position that I had nothing to do with this fake controversy. I have spoken. Me.
  6. I don't think Hillary gets out of the Democrat primaries without being lambasted constantly with her comment. If someone were smart, they would run a spoof of her 2008 "2 am phone call" schtick alongside her "what does it matter" about the deaths of Americans comment. Well if the Democrat challengers are not smart and do it, the GOP nominee will likely be. I would love for someone to run an ad with the punchline: Hillary 2016 - What, at this point, does she matter?
  7. me·di·a /ˈmēdēə/ noun noun: media; plural noun: media; noun: the media You're an idiot.
  8. Yes, yes they are. They want the checks to stop, they want the government to stop so that they can blame the GOP for forcing them into shutting down the government in order to protect the little guy and make sure that Joe Johnson, who has been unemployed for 99 weeks due to Bush/Boehner's failed policies, can receive his unemployment checks and feed his 4 children. So therefore, people will need to vote Democrat in November so that Boehner cannot starve Mr. Johnson's 6 children and toss 95 year old Granny Smith out into the cold. The GOP gives people cancer. You know media will sell it and the mongoloids will buy it.
  9. Wait, so are you implying that Emperor Obama may not have actually deserved the Nobel Peace Prize?
  10. Some guy on TV. Let me be clear; I must have misunderstood what he meant. Period.
  11. Does the Danish PM deserve a 'Would ya' thread?
  12. Wait, I thought you could keep your doctor if you liked them...?
  13. Everyone is wearing these?
  14. So what you're saying is that we need Germany to invade Poland and the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor to stimulate the economy?
  15. The little girl front-row left is up to no good. She needs to be expelled immediately.
  16. Clearly the little-trained monkeys need to be making six figures to flip burgers. It's only fair.
  17. So... what you're saying is that it's Bush's fault?
  18. Only problem is that everyone hates all of the representatives, except theirs.
  19. Is it so much pushing an agenda rather than trying (and failing) to avoid any semblance of controversy after taking a black eye with the whole concussion/"League of Denial" thing?
  20. Absolutely: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/07/miley-cyrus-jingle-ball_n_4404420.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 (I was actually kidding about Miley, but the girl never fails to deliver!)
  21. This guy simply misunderstood the nuanced statement that the President was making about all the calculus he was doing. Besides, Romney has a horse and Christie is fat. Have you guys seen the latest Miley Cyrus stunt?!? Look, shiny object!
  22. He was simply cleaning up the mess left to him from the previous administration. You just didn't understand what he meant when he elaborated on his 'final solution'. He didn't kill those "undesirables", someone else made that happen.
  23. You sure it wasn't... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc
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