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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Cool story, bro.
  2. I think a suitable punishment is to watch the last 5 minutes of Super Bowl XXV 6 times.
  3. Stop being such a bigot.
  4. There's nothing crazy about it. Her political opinions and morals shift with polling data, just like Obama's.
  5. I'm just surprised that it isn't Obama pictured in his pajamas with the hot chocolate.
  6. The nuclear launch code is...
  7. How dare this flatfoot criticize a man who would be in the Bible, were it written today?!? Kanye West is a religious icon and national treasure that should be worshiped, not ceaselessly mocked for being a douchebag moron. He's a successful cRap artist, afterall. Mere cops should not mess with cRappers who put their lives on the line each night performing on stage, if they know what's good for them!
  8. He was for a nuclear North Korea before he was against it.
  9. Uh, I'd say there's a whopping big difference. So you want to allow more mass shootings just because the above nonsense might potentially happen? Yeah, I'm good with risking the hypothetical protest over the Spanish kid who didn't understand the order to stop. You know, because only Hispanics speak Spanish and none can be cops.
  10. Those don't matter, he doesn't have a weekday radio show.
  11. You don't 'fix' bullying. Kids are mean nasty jerks, always have been and always will - there's only so much that schools can do. The overreaction/hysterics we see do not help do anything but sensationalize the bullies. Parents need to stop telling every kid they're special, stop demanding that everyone gets trophies just for showing up and teach their kids to toughen up and find a way to handle their business (without going postal) instead of entitled nonsense.
  12. I'd rather have people trained to handle dangerous situations who are there specifically to handle security, not give random teachers sidearms after a two week 'don't stick your dick in an electrical socket'-type course. But that's me. Unfortunately people will continue to attack the most vulnerable segment of our society because they can. These whiny douchebags aren't going to go after an armed police station because they were 'bullied', they're going to go after those whom they believe they can inflict the most pain on.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/colorado-school-shooting-armed-guards-answer-014500823.html Let's keep banning firearms and keep armed security away from kids, though.
  14. That would be funny if some team actually picked Obama last in the draft...
  15. Why would they be so stupid as to give the government their bank account information, especially where there has been demonstrated severe security issues that have not been addressed? The idiots who support this abortion deserve what they get.
  16. I don't see why. The thread isn't titled "Chosen One of Rome, Replacement for Jesus Christ, Prince of all he Surveys".
  17. Whoa there, are you trying to get yourself executed? You darn well know that the Democratic People's Communist Worker's Supercool Party is atheist and does not celebrate western pigdogpondscum religious holidays. The Eternal President would never allow such an untoward display. They will, however, be celebrating Unmas on December 25th; a completely secular, new and original holiday designed to celebrate all that is right and good about Superawesome Leader and the peace/prosperity that he has brought to Best Korea. That is where Superawesome Leader will have that extra portion of prime rib, to go along with a second lobster and more caviar.
  18. Clearly Uncle Subhumandogscum should have taken a cue from Biden and continually whispered in Superawesome Leader's ear, "This is a big !@#$ing deal". Half-heartedly clapping indeed. I hope your execution hurt, disloyal !@#$!
  19. That's immoral.
  20. Sounds like he's growing on you. They sell anti-fungal creams for that.
  21. He could always send Biden on a diplomatic trip to Libya...
  22. It's adorable when you try (and fail) to sound like you're not a total cretin.
  23. They don't !@#$ around with casino gambling. One of his other sins was not standing for SuperAwesomeLeader when he was given another bullcrap title at some random ceremony. Uncle Taek deserved to die for his sins.
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