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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Bacon scientist....
  2. Damn those obstructions racist sexist bible-thumping gun-toting teabaggers!
  3. The cartoon artist misspelled BUSH.
  4. http://news.yahoo.com/high-stakes-us-families-losing-jobless-benefit-160146951.html So let me get this straight, they "lost" their business because they pissed off a single investor (which, to me, shows that they aren't smart enough to run a business). In response they went straight to "cutting back" on luxuries they could no longer afford instead of eliminating them, and only now that they will no longer get unemployment benefits and actually have to look for work they are going to pull their children out of school (because that's not at all disruptive) and refuse to get rid of "one" of their cars (because apparently they need more than one vehicle to look for work). These useless entitled wastes of oxygen deserve what they get. Why the !@#$ did they not move months ago (you know, before their kids got halfway through the school year) if they knew they weren't going to be able to afford their rent? Why did they continue to go out to eat knowing that they could not afford it? Why did they need multiple vehicles if neither one is working and they knew they could not afford two or more cars? Most importantly, why am I supposed to feel sorry for them after their immense stupidity?
  5. You'll notice that nothing Cuomo has proposed does anything to address the miles and miles of bureaucratic red tape (and all of its glorious fees) that have driven business after business and job after job out of upstate NY for decades.
  6. Yeah, except that's not what he said. Well for those who aren't mentally challenged.
  7. I can imagine her pain. Going from "library scientist" to "fryolator engineer" is a half-step down.
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/rescue-underway-russian-ship-trapped-antarctic-ice-015038322.html Those poor people. Stuck in the ice during the beginning of Summer in Antarctica with the melting ice forming so quickly and so thickly that they cannot get out. Damn us western nations and our ice-melting pollution!
  9. Nonsense, Bush did it.
  10. So from that article I gather that during an "argument" he goes off on nonsensical libtard rants then declares victory when people get sick of him being a moron. That sounds eerily close to a few mouth breathers around here...
  11. State sovereignty and individual liberties are irrelevant. Big brother knows what you want or need better than you do. It's the right thing to do. Forward.
  12. They crossed the "red line" to get there?
  13. He's a Democrat, so therefore and offensive remarks he made are Bush's fault.
  14. I'm guessing that's the point...
  15. Screw that, the Bills need to trade two firsts for Matt Flynn and give him 80 million per season with a 10% ownership stake in the team.
  16. Not to mention quickly blaming Taft and Hoover for all of the nation's problems...
  17. Yes, by pointing out that you mischaracterized what happened I'm clearly stating that it was not an environmental problem, even though I said no such thing. Bingo.
  18. I think they'll have some competition from Organizing for Action.
  19. I love the revisionist history here (or at least the total and complete lack of understanding of what actually happened).
  20. I blame Nancy Reagan personally. The B word.
  21. The website to donate to your cause is currently down, I will give my mandatory donation after your crack team of experts spend several hundred million dollars to get it up and running within 30 days.
  22. Well that actually is how to make illegal activity legal...
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