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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-unveil-spying-reforms-january-17-184813737.html Yeah, choosing whether or not to continue with a blatantly unconstitutional domestic spying program that only came to light after someone violated the terms of his security clearance to reveal it to the public is really something that requires months of "soul searching" to come up with what I suspect will be weak and ineffectual "reforms". Glad Obama's our President. Forward!
  2. 1.) No one is going to remember this scandal in a year. 2.) Christie is too moderate and confrontational to win the GOP nomination.
  3. Do we possess the technological capability of producing enough to counteract the effect of bovine flatulence on the global climate, in addition to man-made sources of pollution?
  4. Gates is clearly a racist. Only racist redneck women-hating gun-toting bible-thumping teabaggers disapprove of the Chosen One.
  5. The "family lawyer" is already trying to set up the lawsuit: http://news.yahoo.com/girl-declared-brain-dead-moved-hospital-084442930.html Sad thing is that there's enough stupid jurors out there that they'll have a good shot at finding people who will ignore the whole she's dead thing and award the family an obnoxious amount of money for her pain and suffering, etc.
  6. Give it a week or two and you'll be able to add "simpleton", "idiot", "moron", "Wednesday", etc. to that list. As for your anecdotal evidence, well there has been no statistically significant increase in global temperature since 1997, so that's all it is - anecdotal.
  7. You mean the warming that stopped in 1997? That warming?
  8. Easy there, don't make fun of Mayor Urkel like that!
  9. So what you're saying is that consensus is no longer science?!?
  10. No one needs assault ceramic squirrels. They're too dangerous for the lesser folk to have, and must be banned!
  11. They'll demand that there be a new genderless athletic division, so that the girls who identify as girls aren't crushed by the boys who identifies as a girls and feel bad about themselves. Of course there will be douchebag parents who will purposely enter their boy as an identified 'girl' (regardless of his actual gender 'identity') just to win. Bummer. I think I need to start a meat popsicle discrimination support group now.
  12. If I identify as a meat popsicle, does the state of California have to ensure that there are appropriate facilities to accommodate me and my chosen identity?
  13. What makes you think my family hasn't?
  14. Few thoughts: 1.) It's cruel and selfish that this family demands that the girl be kept on life support. She's dead, and as harsh as this sounds: there needs to come a time to accept it. 2.) How exactly are they planning on paying for this demand that she be kept on life support for all eternity? They're not going to continue to receive donations indefinitely. Are they going to sue for another injunction when they stop paying for care if she is transferred to one of these facilities? 3.) I don't believe a federal judge can order doctors to perform surgery. Besides being a clear violation of the 13th Amendment, it's an abhorrent notion that people feel they can have the courts compel someone to perform a professional service against that practitioner's will and/or code of ethics. With that said, I'm sure they'll get some liberal looney judge to attempt to order it - it's the 9th Circuit. 4.) This "family lawyer" doesn't impress me.
  15. If you like your religious beliefs, you can keep your religious beliefs. Period. It's the right thing to do.
  16. I'm not sure either of those qualify as a "big [f'in] deal".
  17. They absolutely are an environmental hazard. They might potentially leak or by struck by alien death rays. What we need to do is build more high speed rails to carry stuff.
  18. Maybe Ralph can change the scores of a few games via conference call...
  19. Why do I have the feeling that every boy between 13-17 in California is going to be asking their parents to fill out the forms so that they can frequent the girls' locker room/showers?
  20. Eeesh, I hope Antarctica doesn't flip over like Guam from the weight of the sliding glaciers. Those poor penguins.
  21. A spontaneously-coordinated planned attack? Maybe the white hispanics had something to do with it.
  22. Clearly the ice problem in Antarctica's summer is due to the Earth's atmosphere heating up because of human CO2 emissions, which causes the ocean floors to become colder, contributing to the freezing temperatures by induction, convection or space aliens. Look, a shiny object!
  23. I'm sure the NY Times will be all over asking the hard questions.
  24. 1.) I don't believe the choking nonsense. Just seems too convenient of an allegation, and designed to get publicity. 2.) Yes I would, several times. I would, however, double or triple wrap. She's a prostitute, afterall.
  25. Why not? It worked so well everywhere else that it has been done.
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