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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Why? They'd just attack you for being a "millionaire and billionaire" with a private "corporate jet" who isn't paying your "fair share" and that needs to be punished by taxation.
  2. Only if she regains her 1993 looks for the assault.
  3. No. Putin isn't going to let anything !@#$ up his games.
  4. He should stick to being Emperor of the Moon.
  5. Wouldn't you agree that hopping a fence in clear violation of US law doesn't constitute work? I mean hell, it's a big fence! It requires climbing and stuff. Racist.
  6. That's an interesting question. If the hospital were smart, they would let it drop and eat the cost. They really do not want a counter-suit for committing a battery on the deadite by performing medical procedures on her without permission.
  7. You say that stuff like it's supposed to be a bad thing...
  8. She's supposedly a model?
  9. Interesting way to get sued for breach of fiduciary duty. If my bank denied me access to my account and demanded I prove why I wanted to withdraw my money, they would very quickly lose a customer forever.
  10. Are you sure his stash shouldn't be redistributed to the 99%? He must pay his fair share, afterall. It's the right thing to do.
  11. Let's see what's new in the wonderful world of Obama's diplomatic corps: http://news.yahoo.com/watch-what-happens-when-obama-picks-a-top-donor-as-ambassador-161931672.html
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/23/justice/kansas-sperm-donation/index.html?hpt=hp_c2 Because God didn't use a qualified physician with Jesus.
  13. No, most people vote for the letters "D" or "R".
  14. So how do you know whether or not his friend has a job?
  15. Of course he will, along with 6-7 other Democrats, including Biden. It's obvious stupidity for libtards to even try to claim otherwise. They will simply have no place in the United States, as they do not represent what Americans are. They're also scary and may need to be legislatively declared "assault extremists" by way of a bill passed in the middle of the night without public knowledge or any debate.
  16. Because she's the chosen candidate and no one else in the Democratic party has any political ambition to succeed Obamblam as President. Or something.
  17. I believe they call it being 'progressive' nowadays.
  18. We'll have to ask Ambassador Zimmer in a few years.
  19. The millionaires and billionaires aren't paying their fair share for their corporate jets. Romney has a horse. Christie is fat and created a traffic jam!
  20. I think this line of attention-seeking stupidity has officially run its course. It's getting repetitive now.
  21. Talk about amateur hour; this is funny coming from the "jayvee" president. The moment we stop respecting their capabilities or commitment to attacking the US and start taking them lightly, we get another 9/11.
  22. She has the amazing power to get idiots such as yourself frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of her name.
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