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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The big issue with that plan is when do you levy the costs, and how do you expect to get paid? Once they're out, very few former inmates are going to care about paying back the state. If you put a lien against their inmate account for the costs prior to release, it will be one of many liens on their inmate account being paid off with their prison wages (which is pennies per hour - the top earners make somewhere around 15-20 cents per hour) or shifting the costs onto their families, if they even have family support. Either way, the money recouped at best would be insignificant, and at worse the debt would be counterproductive. Saddling people with a mound of extra debt upon release from prison (over and above any outstanding fines, surcharges and restitution) doesn't help them in the ultimate goal of leading a law abiding life.
  2. It takes real effort to be this intentionally stupid. Well done!
  3. Let me be clear: She didn't support that war, someone else made that happen. Period.
  4. Stop oppressing me with your bigoted beliefs in limited government, you racist!
  5. Oh look, an intellectually dishonest liberal talking point! What a shock! Commas and historical context matter.
  6. Perhaps some people have to change their Gender Fluid every 3,000 miles.
  7. Or told the truth...
  8. This is a fantastic example of trying too hard.
  9. That's what happens when your school loses its al Qaeda accreditation.
  10. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, uh, well...
  11. My guess is: "I love lamp!"
  12. If you like your benevolent dictator, you can keep your benevolent dictator. Period.
  13. Gone through a box of cigars?
  14. Obama would never lie about something so serious as blatant corruption and the targeting of political enemies. Or transparency. Or signature legislation. Or foreign policy. Or the murder of an Ambassador. Or... If you like your clean government, you can keep your clean government. Period.
  15. Wasn't it Putin's girlfriend, that helped to light the Olympic cauldron, who had posted that picture?
  16. The US team didn't, but Google got into the act with their rainbow doodle yesterday.
  17. That is some damn ugly wallpaper. Obama should stop acting like he's governing and spend the next few years sprucing up the office a bit.
  18. While someone else raises her kids.
  19. Oh will you just stop, you dimwit. You clearly have no comprehension of what I was referencing and are spouting off about what you think (and I'll use that term loosely) I said just to spout off.
  20. With all apologies to Tom, I've got to say it: You're an idiot.
  21. I'm sure we'll soon have a photo of Obama watching a Phillip Seymour Hoffman movie tweeted soon to show his sorrow at the actor's passing. RIP Mr. Hoffman.
  22. I love nonsensical talking points spewed by shills that have nothing to do with the reality of the situation and wholly ignores what was known at the time.
  23. ...and abandoning a US Ambassador and three others to die is hilarious.
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