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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Whoa there. That's pretty Islamaphobic language. I suggest you change it to Non-Denominational Holy War.
  2. Never happen, they'd (rightfully) get bashed with the 1st Amendment. Permanently giving up your right to free speech as a private citizen is not an enforcable condition of accepting an otherwise earned military pension.
  3. Jim, make sure to include your exact payment method, including any credit card numbers (as well as the security number on the back), and/or bank account information, including routing numbers, so that we can verify that you did, in fact, make the payment. Your social security number and the answers to any account security questions may also be helpful.
  4. Damn. I'm somewhat surprised that they completely nuked §50-a. Here's an interesting look at the original purpose of the law:
  5. Though it does please me that you're still butthurt over my thread.
  6. They want to game the system. However, to paraphrase what Kayleigh McEnany said the other day, 'if you can go protest in person, you can go vote in person.'
  7. 1.) Yourself. What, do you virtue-signaling morons really think you're doing anything other than trying to make yourselves feel good that you've done absolutely nothing? Do you honestly believe that the meaningless platitudes of 'I need to do better and recognize my own biases, blah blah blah' are actually worth something? 2.) What reputation, that you're an idiot? You've already done a great job cementing that. 3.) If you're not truly down with the anti-racism cause, I'm not interested in explaining it to you.
  8. Nah, mostly I just think you're an idiot. Oh, I'm fighting racism by mocking your stupidity, making fun of your self-importance, laughing at your feeble attempts to virtue signal, and being entertained by your faux sense of self-importance as you pretend to be on an anti-racism jihad.
  9. One might say that, but that one would likely be an idiot.
  10. Well, if you're white, you're a racist. If you're not white, you need white massa Transplant to take care of you, because you're clearly too stupid to think for yourself.
  11. They should at least apply for a visa from their local US Consulate before they cross the border.
  12. Awesome, let them build their fencing to clearly define their 'autonomous zone', then shut off the power, water and sewer connections. Since they're 'autonomous' and no longer part of our country, they certainly don't need outside assistance as a self-sustaining power.
  13. Much like in professional wrestling, gimmick infringement will not be tolerated around here, buster*! *Unless it's funny, or you just don't care to follow the directive.
  14. Wow, quite literally none of this reflects reality.
  15. Well, Friday is the 12th.
  16. All white women, Trump's a racist.
  17. He tweets mean things! He insulted several woman years ago! He's orange! There can be no more damning proof that he is, in fact, an actual literal super mecha-Hitler.
  18. I love how these jerkoffs give themselves awards to pretend that their stories aren't completely agenda-driven (and largely fictitious.)
  19. Well, racist vodka is oft made from WHITE potatoes.
  20. Are we sure they weren't all kneeling before Zod?
  21. Commander Pavel Chekov : Perhaps you have heard Russian epic of Cinderella? If shoe fits, wear it!
  22. Yes, but - being the racist I apparently am - I intentionally assumed gender identity
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