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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Are you sure they can even accomplish that?
  2. The consensus says that there are that many. Don't question proven scientific fact, you denier.
  3. Unfortunately using meaningless posturing rhetoric with no intention of backing it up that panders to low-information idiots does not work on the global stage with intelligent, well-informed diplomats/leaders like it does getting elected President.
  4. Don't worry, next week they'll be releasing shirtless pictures of Obama engaging in manly endeavors. He has to keep making himself look like he's not Putin's well-trained B word.
  5. I think this is more accurate.
  6. That doesn't count, as there is an 'O' in the upper left, instead of a field of blue with white stars. Totally not the same thing, and frankly it's an invalid comparison to use the Chosen One's symbols to illustrate libtard hypocrisy.
  7. McCain had some interesting, though unrealistic suggestions. Including admitting Georgia into NATO, re-engaging eastern Europe with the missile defense shield and get Ukraine on the track to joining NATO. http://news.yahoo.com/mccain-punish-putin-000600943--politics.html;_ylt=A0LEVy_joxJT0W8A17lXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0ajk2cnNqBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM3Ml8x Apparently the answer to that is to make useless threats and act tough while asking Mr. Putin to find a solution that doesn't make the US look weak and incompetent.
  8. That's utter nonsense. President Obama is simply using geopolotical calculus that you plebeians cannot understand. His calculations are nuanced, detailed, complicated, well researched and painstakingly thought out. All "evidence" to the contrary, that indicates that he's just pulling foreign policy out of his butt while not having the first clue what he's doing or understanding the long-term repercussions of his rhetoric, is nothing more than the Koch brothers paying Faux News to manufacture lies.
  9. That's just what I would expect one of Tom's hallucinations to say.
  10. Yeah, and how'd that work out for your people?
  11. What do you expect when you give 5,000,000,000+ people eye lasers and super strength?
  12. That wasn't Obama's "red line" that was the world's "red line" he was talking about, therefore Obama is blameless for not acting on the "world's" useless threat. Romney has a horse.
  13. Do we have a consensus on that?
  14. Bush made that video.
  15. Obama using a federal agency to intimidate opposition to his useless administration? I just don't believe it. This would be an unprecedented abuse of executive authority that we all know Mr. Obama is simply not capable of!
  16. How about: D.) Stop making useless threats when everyone on the planet knows he does not have the balls to back up his bluster.
  17. That wasn't Obama's line he was referring to, it was the world's line. In fact, Bush did it - it was the line of the previous administration.
  18. Thankfully, the good folks at the UAW will make the personal sacrifices necessary to protect those oppressed workers by providing not only a card for each worker, but writing utensils and a very large gentleman to ensure that the card is filled out correctly by the worker and without interference from the evil greedy corporate bastard employers. Of course not. That would be racist and wrong.
  19. I would say so. Aspiring entrepreneurs must be paid what they think they're worth, which is a damn sight more than slave wages of a mere $11 per hour.
  20. I hope we can all see why VW was wrong to do this, and that the only truly fair way to ensure that these poor mistreated, underpaid and abused workers were given union protection was for the company to respect the wishes expressed by the workers by signing the cards. Cards signed by the workers under union supervision to ensure they filled the cards out correctly, of course.
  21. I guess I don't understand the purpose behind the contract language. If it's for debt collection purposes, they still don't get to violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If it's for any other reason, that's just creepy. Either way, I don't see a court challenge for harassment going well for Capital One, as the contract language is pretty damned unconscionable.
  22. Romney's wife had a horse, therefore his past was fair game. He also gave some broad cancer. We don't even want to get into what he does with dogs and cars. Not supporting Hillary or attacking her past in any way means you're a misogynistic bible thumping gun toting racist redneck teabagger who has declared war on women.
  23. Let me be clear: If you like your legally-imposed sentence, you can keep your legally-imposed sentence. Period.
  24. That wouldn't be legal.
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