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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Nah, he would have traded up with Bolivia to draft JP Losman as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  2. Don't you dare question the Great One's handling of the situation by creating a minor inconvenience for Putin. Your racist teabagger redneck horse owner!
  3. That's because Romney has a horse, you racist.
  4. So, are you going to address the criticism that the article is misleading, or are you going to stick to your typical stupidity? Well, I suppose this is more of a rhetorical question, since we all know you're incapable of intelligent discussion or backing up your nonsense.
  5. No pasting half-truths and complete mischaracterizations before running away like a whipped dog with his tail between his legs when someone challenges the blatant bullcrap is "stupid on this board". Though, as always, watching everyone slap you around is still quite entertaining.
  6. You mean besides the fact that he's doing nothing more than trying to rile you up by spouting his special brand of stupidity?
  7. Now you know the reason why the 8th Amendment was passed. That's too cruel a fate for even hardened jihadists.
  8. I cannot believe that this is actually coming true: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/
  9. Alcohol abuse will not be tolerated.
  10. That's so 2009-2012. Get with the times, man. It's because he's a racist and Romney has a horse.
  11. You used words containing more than four letters in your post; do you really have to ask if he's confused?
  12. It's Bush's fault they sound dumb because Romney has a horse and gave some woman cancer.
  13. It's not so much that you have nothing to worry about if you're on camera in public, it's that you lose any expectation of privacy when you're out and about. You can't claim privacy and demand that no one look at you when you're in the middle of a crowd.
  14. Strictly speaking, all laws are a form of 'social engineering' (to varying degrees). Murder is unacceptable in any society, so laws were created and punishments imposed to force people to conform to non-murderous behaviors. Prostitution was deemed to be unacceptable in our society for various reasons (mostly moral), and laws were created and punishments imposed to force people to conform to the societal norm of not paying for pootie (well, we all pay for it, but you know what I mean). Drug use has been deemed to be unacceptable in our society based, in part, on protecting the users and protecting those whom the users/dealers victimize, and have been outlawed. Just as building codes exist to force people to conform their structures to what has been deemed acceptable/structurally sound/safe by society, penal laws force people to conform to behavior deemed acceptable by society. Whether you call it 'social engineering', or a 'social contract' or whatever, laws - especially penal laws - exist to enforce societal norms and to ensure that behavior of the people conforms to acceptable behavior by punishing behavior deemed unacceptable. So, you see, the puppy was like industry. In that, they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy was a dog. But the industry, my friends, that was a revolution. Knibb High football rules!
  15. Then he would issue an executive order to make them gray; then order blue uniforms during a conference call; then demand yellow uniforms while standing in a class room reading from his teleprompter; then finally blast the obstructionist GOP for not allowing him to have red uniforms, declaring that they have crossed a line and promising swift retribution in the form of ill-defined future potential sanctions.
  16. It will be as honest as a unionizing vote held without a secret ballot.
  17. Good sir, southern Montana shall rise again against its northern Yankee oppressors.
  18. The other half of the problem is finding a District Attorney who will sacrifice their political career to prosecute a SAFE Act violation.
  19. Hey, remember when the Chinese slaughtered all those Tibetans? That was pretty hilarious.
  20. I think that he is deluded enough that he believes his own nonsense. That scares me. Unfortunately the rest of the world sees him as the spineless kitty that he actually is. His "military action" consists of standing in the background taking France's lead in Libya (before abandoning people to die...).
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