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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Canadians are well known for keeping minorities down, with such fascist policies as requiring proof of identity. Bunch of maple leaf terrorists if you ask me.
  2. If the useless leftist douchebags like Reid spent just a tenth of the energy they waste on playing parliamentary/political games on policy issues... Well their ideas would still suck.
  3. Careful, B. With "LOL"s like that, you may need your own team of independent "defense" attorneys to investigate the matter and "defend" you in the "court" of public opinion... at taxpayer expense, of course.
  4. You damn well know they're serious when they're banning him from that location!
  5. I can see it going something like: <ring> <ring> "Hello?" "Madam President, there's a national emergency! American lives are in danger!" "What difference, at this point, does it make?" <click>
  6. Faux News generated lies. There were no lane closures here or people inconvenienced in traffic. Therefore, there is no story, except for the toothless racist misogynistic bible-thumping gun-toting rednecks.
  7. Planted under the ice by the ancestors of climate change deniers. Nothing to see there, move along.
  8. It's abundantly clear you don't have the first clue why people hire attorneys.
  9. The truly sad part is if this same "defense attorney" had come out with a report showing Christie was culpable in any way shape or form, he would be crowing about how the report must be 100% accurate and this guy was an independent attorney who did his job well.
  10. http://hotair.com/archives/2014/03/29/new-dem-plan-bridget-kelly-is-a-feminist-heroine/
  11. I love the libtard spin on the report. They cannot actually refute any of the facts in it, so now it should be disregarded as a misogynistic sexist report because it contained references to a relationship between two staffers.
  12. But is he paying child support out of that contract?
  13. It's not accurate to say that the judge agreed with the father's position. The standard on whether to grant summary judgment is whether or not there exists a triable issue of material fact.
  14. What's the consensus, so that we can determine if this is scientific fact?
  15. This is just a bunch of Faux News inspired fake astroturfed outrage. These minor incidents are being blown well out of proportion, and in any event cannot be connected by any legitimate news agency to the Chosen One. We have more pressing matters to attend to as a nation, such as Romney's horse giving some woman cancer or Christie's malicious and catastrophic traffic jam. I've also heard that racist Paul Ryan once jaywalked. These bastards need to be held to account for their sins against the 99%.
  16. You are forgiven, my son.
  17. NAFTA was completely Bush Sr.'s fault. Clinton was forced to sign it due to the bad policies of the previous two administrations. However, more to the point: the planet started warming up during William McKinley's administration. He is the evil baby-eating gun-toting bible-thumping racist redneck teabagger horse owning misogynist who sold us all out.
  18. Don't be a denier. The only chance we have to stave off the effects of global warming climate change is to turn over total control of our lives to the government. It's the right thing to do. Forward. Hope & Change. Stop being a racist teabagger denier. Romney has a horse. Bush did it.
  19. It's par for the course, though. Obama wants to make symbolic, useless and ineffective gestures as "punishment" for what he can sell as wrongdoing by other nations. That way he does not piss anyone off too much, and he can go on TV to crow to the idiots about how tough he has been against the big bad bullies.
  20. NATO won't do crap. The Europeans are afraid Putin will shut off their gas, and Obama lacks the balls to actually confront Putin.
  21. Tom and Greggy are correct; rape is about dominance, power and control.
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