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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Germans, I would wager.
  2. You just hate the ACA because Obama's black, admit it!
  3. He can always claim he made the trains run over him on time.
  4. There goes the neighborhood...
  5. Damn obstructionist GOP!
  6. What, specifically, about your experience sucked? (Believe it or not, I'm not asking to be a smartass, I actually want to know.)
  7. Happy Zombie Jesus Day to you as well, buddy!
  8. New York's exchange has been a tremendous success... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/state-obamacare-sign-ups-top-960k-article-1.1759267 ...well at signing people up for programs they could have just gone to their local Department of Social Services office to sign up for. How many hundreds of millions spent just to have ~55% of "uninsured" people sign up for welfare benefits they already qualified for? It's also interesting to note that there is no mention of how many of those 435,479 were actually uninsured prior to Obamacare kicking in, nor how many of those who signed up actually have (and are paying for) coverage.
  9. Romney has a horse.
  10. She was later quoted as saying, "[c]leanliness shouldn't matter as much as it does" when questioned as to why she only washed half of a leper's foot.
  11. Think of all the jobs created or saved in fictional congressional districts to manufacture those firearms, as well as all of the jobs created in law enforcement to go get them back! Forward!
  12. Romney has a horse, you !@#$ing racist.
  13. Of all the crap I put in that post, you pick the word "redistributed" to be offended by?
  14. Simple. By taxing the evil wealthy and handing out public assistance benefits to good, honest employmentally-challenged Americans, those intentionally disadvantaged citizens are given the opportunity to spend that redistributed money on things like cigarettes, booze, lottery tickets and fast food, thereby allowing private enterprise run by those greedy soulless 1% buttholes to exploit the poor working man by giving them meager jobs and forcing them to work for slave wages in order to meet the demand for consumer products. The wealthy are punished, the oppressed are rewarded and jobs are created! All because your government loves you.
  15. I would have been tempted to just plug it in myself, and when they bitched, simply told them some guy came by, said he was a union electrician and plugged them in.
  16. He should be if he thinks he's going to have popular support for annexation in the occupied areas after another military invasion. It also refutes his all-too-common pretext for invasion; the oppression of ethnic Russians.
  17. Did Putin miscalculate? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-putin-adventure-ukraine-doomed-183800324.html
  18. Good sir, I am offended by the imagery that you have just described! Guns are bad, m'kay? They have no place in civilized society.
  19. That poor woman deserves our sympathy... and the governor's mansion. It's the least the voters in Texas can do for her, after all of her struggles through life.
  20. What this topic calls for is a PPP field trip to the Moonlite BunnyRanch, so that Mr. Bundy's legal claims can be properly assessed and weighed.
  21. You mean you haven't?
  22. Typical public union bullcrap. They aren't getting their unreasonable demands, so they try to litigate every minor thing so that the city grows weary of wasting resources in court and gives them whatever they ask for to drop the multitude of suits. It's honestly fascinating to deal with these idiots. Many of them know every provision of their union contract, their exact job duties/title and every single benefit they're entitled to, but don't have the first clue how to actually do their jobs.
  23. Jesse and Al were denied entry at the border. More proof of the oppressive terroristic regime! The Maple Leaf Menace must be stopped!
  24. Using "...but BOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!111" to excuse Obama's malfeasance is so 2009. Get with the times, brah.
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