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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Maybe Obama's TARDIS malfunctioned.
  2. This cannot be true; it is solely due to the white man keeping the black man down and purposefully taking steps to exclude blacks from engaging in that type of technical career, for completely racist reasons.
  3. Shut the !@#$ up, you dumbshit cross-dressing Canadian swine.
  4. Then they were forced to change the way they identified themselves to be more politically correct, as a non-Indian on the opposite side of the country became offended. I'm still waiting for the detailed explanation of how equal representation amongst the states in the US Senate is "unfair", especially in light of the fact that the House membership is based upon population.
  5. Looks like we need to ban assault knives. Clearly those 13% deserve justice! No more stabbings!
  6. I would propose an amendment for the first resolution. He must begin each post with, "Since I am a !@#$ing idiot, my response is:" I am voting "present" on the second resolution.
  7. Something like that.
  8. I know, but it's amusing to watch him either a.) defend his stupidity with more stupidity; or b.) run away from the thread with his tail tucked between his legs.
  9. Very good, you've demonstrated a basic understanding of how the US Senate is structured. Now explain how, in light of the existence of the House of Representatives, this is unfair.
  10. Please explain how equal representation by each state in the Senate is unfair, especially in light of seats in the House of Representatives being apportioned based upon population. Show your work.
  11. Yeah... we're going to need you go go ahead and come in on Saturday, so, if you could do that, that would be great. Mmmmmkay? Thaaaaaanks.
  12. Clearly it's because of Republican obstructionism and racism.
  13. I was quite upset that my sides hurt after laughing so hard at her little frowny face. Besides, THIS is how you tweet a picture, courtesy of the Campaigner-in-Chief:
  14. Wouldn't that be "pound-you-in-the-ass-prison"? Unless, of course, the judge is into that sort of thing. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
  15. Maybe, but I do think it involves someone being made the others new B word.
  16. Thank goodness that you came along to explain the rather obvious joke I made!
  17. OJ is looking for Martin's killer as we speak. The interesting part of these hashtag awareness campaigns is that it raises awareness for the age group that votes the least.
  18. I can almost see the hashtag diplomacy now!
  19. First hair, then ankles and wrists. The moral decay of Iranian society is in full swing. This evil depraved scantily-clad harlot should know that Iranian men cannot control themselves when a woman flashes a square inch or two of skin/hair! Look at this picture! Hair, wrists AND ankles. This woman needs to burn in whatever passes for Islamic hell... or be exiled to New Jersey.
  20. Obstructionist Republicans, you racist.
  21. I would guess a lot of the cost is security-related. Secure communication lines, counter measures if the helicopter is attacked by small arms, missiles or RPGs; waste, graft and corruption, etc. That or solid gold toilets.
  22. That is categorically untrue. The devastating impact of the dreaded sequester cost a job! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624411/2013-budget-sequester-eliminated-just-ONE-federal-job-Obama-predicted-make-hundreds-thousands-unemployed.html
  23. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2014/05/10/new-mckinsey-survey-74-of-obamacare-sign-ups-were-previously-insured/?partner=yahootix
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