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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. We only have the complainant's word that the 'crap' was made up. As for knowing he's guilty, that has nothing to do with her doing her job defending him. Defense attorneys (real ones, not ones who merely defend against the "court of public opinion") defend their clients whether they're actually guilty or actually innocent. At the end of the day, her job was to carry out her client's wishes by zealously representing him and seeking to undermine the state's case and/or suppress evidence that was illegally obtained - not to determine whether or not he deserved to go to prison.
  2. So, in other words, she did her job?
  3. Tom was being investigated and the server crashed and the dog ate it.
  4. ...and will find out about the emails he received on CNN.
  5. It's cute that you think you know things.
  6. So... is it proper etiquette to hit on the bridesmaids (or the groomsmen) at a lesbian wedding?
  7. Perhaps he meant that the boots being worn by the troops sent in will only touch pavement; not ground.
  8. I believe the next step is to refer the matter to the Justice Dept., where our illustrious Attorney General will ensure that the matter is promptly brought before a federal grand jury immediately after his own contempt case is presented, but before the New Black Panthers are presented for voter intimidation... in 2148.
  9. Yes, and clearly the 18.5 minutes of Nixon's tape existed at one point as well. That's two out of the three accounted for...
  10. Wouldn't something have to exist first, before it could be missing?
  11. I would like to know if any company in their investment portfolio is not 'green'.
  12. Yeah, because Obama is all about reaching across the aisle... Clearly the Syria indecision was because he wanted to placate neocons, not that he's an inept tool who was backtracking from a really stupid comment he made and refused to back up.
  13. I'll bet you she doesn't even rewind her DVDs!
  14. She was for it before she was against it before she was for it.
  15. Yeah, but up there, isn't that like voting for a kitten over a puppy?
  16. 1 percenter: R-O-M-N-E-Y
  17. That will happen about three days after the black panthers are prosecuted for voter intimidation.
  18. I'm going to have to raise my hand here and say, "my bad", on that one. I may have left the memo where he could get to it. At least he doesn't know the secret handshake.
  19. Huh, Obama passing the buck with a scapegoat ready to go. What a shock. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2141038/Revealed-How-White-House-planned-shield-Obama-blaming-Navy-chief-bin-Laden-raid-went-wrong.html Oh wait, maybe not.
  20. I like when problems work themselves out.
  21. I guess I'm confused. If guns are banned from that school zone, how did the student possess a gun there? He wasn't allowed to possess one on school property, after all. Isn't it true that people will obey gun bans and that banning guns will apparently somehow make people who intend to violate laws and cause harm not violate laws and cause harm? I mean, that's what libtards want us to believe, right?
  22. Damn those assault knives. No one needs an assault knife! Get rid of them now, so we can all be SAFE.
  23. C'mon Chef, you know less regulation means zero regulation to him.
  24. Nonsense, it will only be after extensive focus group testing, just like all of his other 'nuanced' policy choices to reverse a previously-stated position. The announcement will also be on a Friday, after yet another major scandal involving his incompetence is breaking.
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