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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He will leave no dollar bill unturned in his quest for the truth of what happened over Eastern Ukraine.
  2. The scary looking ones are solely for murdering people. The less scary looking ones are for slaughtering poor innocent animals as well as murdering people. The ones that are in between scary and less scary looking need to be decided on a case-by-case basis as to whether or not they are appropriate for only murdering people or a combination of homicide and animal cruelty. You're welcome.
  3. They do have such systems readily available, and grants are available for law enforcement agencies to purchase the equipment. Many larger organizations (or more accurately their unions) seem to rabidly opposed to wearing them. Of course the old cop refrain of "if you have nothing to hide..." doesn't apply to them. In my county, every cop wears a Vie View camera on their chest. It works exceptionally well; there are zero questions as to what actually happened during an encounter. Neither the cop nor the accused can lie or exaggerate.
  4. Not really. It would have been less painful for him to die. Now he's going to be sent to prison and beaten routinely... if not worse. Child molesters like this trash are at the bottom of the barrel and abused by both guards and inmates.
  5. C'mon man, she came real close to being forced to have her chauffeur drive a junior aide down to the local department of social services to pick her up an application for food stamps. Can you imagine the hardships she must have endured to almost come to the point of having her private secretary fill out the application for her?!?
  6. Only if 97% of stoners agree...
  7. Reconciliation, is that what they call it now?
  8. One is married. The other is my future ex-wife.
  9. This is off topic, but the actual story behind the M&M's thing is interesting. The band didn't actually care if they had brown/green/whatever M&M's in their dressing room, but they had that provision buried in their touring contracts to see if the promoters were actually reading/following the contracts and setting up the venue to the band's requirements. The band always knew that if they had a bowl of M&M's with the offending-colored ones left in, they needed to have their roadies thoroughly check the set-up so make sure it was correct and the music/stage show would come across to the audience as intended.
  10. I would really like to see his "empirical evidence".
  11. We don't need no hearings without pre-determined outcomes when a man's release in exchange for 5 terrorist leaders was political theater.
  12. Remind us all again: Of those 9 million people, how many had their previously-existing health insurance policies cancelled due to Obamacare's mandates? You know, the policies that they could keep if they Obama liked them.
  13. Polls, like elections, don't matter when a liberal is on the losing end. (Though oddly enough it's deserving of a victory lap and ball spiking if they aren't...)
  14. It is entirely likely that Mr. Aldrin saw a UFO as he and the rest of the crew were being transported to the NASA studio on Mars to fake the moon landing.
  15. What a sad development. Unfortunately, those union dipshits likely think they're heroes "sticking it to the man" by refusing to send their paltry sum (in comparison to Mr. Koch's donation) to the UNCF every year.
  16. Several seasons of 'White House Press Corps Idol'?
  17. Good to know that our president is keeping up with his CNN viewing.
  18. Anal probes are not recommended... unless you like that sort of thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  19. Interesting that one year after Chicago was forced to acknowledge people have rights and grant pistol permits, the murder rate drops 6%!
  20. This sounds like a job for a hashtag!
  21. Too quick and painless.
  22. That NOAA data isn't worth crap. The extra heat the planet is accumulating is being hidden where the "scientists" are not looking. NOAA is just staffed with a bunch of lying climate change deniers.
  23. http://news.yahoo.co...-031804649.html Oh wait, citizens having legal firearms are the devil. This evil gun-toting redneck racist misogynistic veteran should have just allowed his friends to be murdered instead of fighting back and saving their lives.
  24. Bush and the NRA, killing America's youth!
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