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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. It certainly is. I am not sure if it's funny or a shame that most Democrats will never get it.
  2. This just goes to show that the constitution, much like the truth, does not matter when the Democrats want to play laughable political games.
  3. http://www.theonion....ack-teen,36697/ He should have followed these tips...
  4. Yes, but they don't have to pay their doctor when they finally in to see him for the note to have home delivered mail. Therefore, you and Bush hate grandma.
  5. Those other customers and the restaurant should respect her "civil right" to change a poopy diaper whenever and wherever she darn well pleases. She had an immediate need to change the diaper, and the fact that it is unsanitary to do so, and in front of people trying to consume a meal is not important.
  6. If Bush hadn't screwed things up so much, we wouldn't have to train Libyan pilots and nuclear engineers.
  7. Nonsense. The military will be switching nomenclature to "combat sneakers" for troops in Iraq. We just aren't smart enough to understand Obama's nuanced statement or what he "really" meant by what he said. His position of "boots" being on the ground is absolute. It clearly will be our fault for not getting his message; he's a constitutional scholar, after all.
  8. Blacks killing other blacks isn't news and does not lend itself well to race baiters looking for donations and relevancy, any more than the white guy in Buffalo who was nearly beaten to death by a group of blacks for having a black girlfriend a few years back. You should know this by now!
  9. You bet your sweet Asgard I'm sure.
  10. I find the idea that the government recognizes Thursday and Friday - days named after Thor and Frigg, respectively - offensive. I think I am going to sue. There must be no religious references in anything.
  11. "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"
  12. The idiots downstate will still re-elect the piece of trash. This may affect his 2016 presidential run, though. The Hillary attack machine will have a field day calling him corrupt during the primaries.
  13. Clearly you become aged by at least another day, with a concurrent increase in your financial obligations.
  14. Yeah, banning food imports is just a fantastic thing to do when you need to import food to feed your people. Putin is a bigger fool than I gave him credit for. At least Russians are used to standing in bread lines. Might bring back all their Soviet-era nostalgia.
  15. The CDC is. They also have a sub-sub basement where the Army and CIA team with Illuminati mystics to create bio-weapons such as the zombie virus (what, you didn't really think the army is planning for the zombie apocalypse as a non-offensive training exercise, did you?).
  16. Pro-Palestinian Protest In Tel Aviv Broken Up By Hamas Rockets http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/29/pro-palestinian-protest-in-tel-aviv-broken-up-by-hamas-rockets/
  17. In fairness, it's not exactly what I would call 'difficult' to do that to him...
  18. Because they don't need to pander to their #1 demographic. The league already has them as loyal customers. Those men aren't going to suddenly jump ship to become major league lacrosse fanatics with or without prostate cancer month. The league wants to broaden their market and appeal to bring in women who might not otherwise be interested in football to at least buy merchandise, if not tickets.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DIETlxquzY
  20. If Bush didn't bring all the Jews to Chicago, there would be no violence in that city.
  21. You know they're going to drag in the English Witches and Wizards before long. Hogwarts will very shortly be turned into a military camp. So much for not escalating this matter to a world-wide conflagration.
  22. It's like he's not even trying to keep his stories straight anymore. Just as well, he knows he's a lame duck who is just going to go make millions on the book signing/speaking circuit as soon as he's out of power.
  23. Sir, I shall never let the realities of life get in the way of an opportunity to make a joke. Especially one directed towards Obama. Obviously there is nothing he can do right now but go on with business as usual. It's nonsense for any of Obama's detractors to demand that he be huddled in the Situation Room with flags at half-mast pouring over whatever minute-by-minute data that may be coming in from an investigation taking place on the other side of the planet with his national security team. I highly doubt that anything more insightful than what is already known is going to be revealed within the next day or two. 'Russian trained and supplied separatists !@#$ed up' isn't really going to be new information.
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