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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. So taking over a building that has been empty for months is a win for those militias? I hope they never figure out Buffalo's east side or the City of Detroit exist.
  2. Clearly that company, as well as any other company who feels investing further in that craphole is full of racists who need to be audited by the IRS.
  3. C'mon man, don't mock Obama's lack of strategy. Do you really think that focus groups just magically appear? Nay! They take time to form, be presented options and decide what course of action creates the best sound bites for TV!
  4. That would be a big !@#$ing deal.
  5. Tap dance, salsa and the Macarena.
  6. You should take offense. Stories should actually be good! Or at the very least minimally entertaining. The White House offends both scary monsters AND real conspiracies with every idiotic boring tale they spin.
  7. Eh, they'll come out with a new scary monster/conspiracy story every few weeks until something sticks with their moronic base.
  8. I think I'm going to leave this one alone before I get myself in trouble.
  9. Well, the shirt is unarmed and part black...
  10. Well I know two people who are going to be audited very soon...
  11. Damn Irish. The only thing worse than allowing them to be people is when broads got the right to vote.
  12. ...and we all know whose fault this all really is.
  13. The Spice Girls? Are you daft?!? 'NSync is who they infiltrated. Do you honestly believe Justin Timberlake is as successful as he has been due to his own talents?
  14. That may have had more to do with punishment for putting holes in their cheese than anything else.
  15. Oh don't worry, the Brits can have their revenge after Obama illegally releases him and four of his buddies in exchange for another deserter.
  16. I notice that the statistic does not reflect how many of those killed by white lightning were unarmed black teenagers.
  17. Consensus is science, after all.
  18. Just think what would have happened days/weeks/months later when you almost had a fight with her, but remembered the cop's intervention.
  19. 1.) 15% 2.) 75% 3.) Chance that the family wanted to know from their hired ME whether or not the deadite suffered so that they can sue for millions: 100%
  20. Shot in the back while going from choir practice to the local food bank to feed the poor, after which he was going to head to orphanage to read to the children,
  21. Did it occur to you that maybe those black kids are far more likely to commit crimes? It's not inequality when they actually commit the crimes and are incarcerated because they're stupid enough to get caught.
  22. He lasted longer in office than Zachary Taylor!
  23. Easily, she is too poor to afford diapers.
  24. Never, he told everyone who opposes him to get out.
  25. Really? I'm fairly certain that the electoral college cast more votes for Bush than Gore.
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