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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/movies/feds-link-hack-to-north-korea-as-sony-cancels-the-105477374742.html
  2. It better be some darn good hash. It would be inhumane torture if they were given substandard highs.
  3. I think we all owe North Korea for this one. Saving the world from watching another Seth Rogan film is a noble thing. All hail Superawesome Leader! Ruler of Best Korea!
  4. I'm interested in seeing if the Pakistani military goes into North Waziristan in force and starts trying to kick ass, like they should have done a decade ago. GM is full of terrorists who are out to screw Main St. to benefit their Wall St. masters, whilst al Qaeda is simply misunderstood and deserving of respect and dialogue.
  5. Since when does the left care about facts or the truth when there's a lie born of petty hysterics and misguided stupidity to spin?
  6. I'd buy tickets to see Fauxcahontas debate whomever winds up the GOP nominee in a presidential debate.
  7. Nixon with 8 years followed by Reagan with 5.
  8. I rather think the distinction is like watching George Carlin vs. watching a rainbow. One makes you laugh hysterically, and the other just makes you happy - perhaps bringing a tear to your eye.
  9. What are these idiots going to do when they actually have to practice law? "Oh, i'm sorry, Mr. Client, that you have to spend a few more months in jail before I can proceed with your case. I'm just too traumatized by an incident with which I have no connection to represent you at the moment." -or- "I'm sorry that I just !@#$ed up a lawsuit that cost your company $25 million, I was just too traumatized by a cop not being indicted in a case I barely am aware of to do my job. You should respect my pain and not fire my firm."
  10. I like the executive orders being automatically vacated after 90 days proposal. Other ones I wouldn't mind seeing: -Line-item veto. -Signing statements are illegal. -Federal spending may not exceed projected revenue without Congress passing an explicit override listing reasons for exceeding the spending cap in the budget and for each and every subsequent spending bill. Money in excess of the cap that is not exlpicity justified in a subsequent spending measure cannot be spent (as in no pork being attached to post-budget spending bills without Congress stating a reason justifying the pork). Does not apply to emergency spending, and money not specifically earmarked for whatever the stated emergency is cannot be included in an emergency spending measure. -Federal judges must retire at age 80, but otherwise cannot be removed absent bad behavior (does not apply to anyone who takes the bench prior to the enactment). -Congressmen may not invest any money in anything other than a blind trust while they are in office, nor may they or their immediate family have any stake (other than money that may have been invested by a blind trust) in any company doing business with the federal government while in office. -No person shall serve more than 18 years in the Senate or House. -No Congressman shall run in a general election for another office without first resigning their current office, effective January 1st of the year following the election, unless their current term is due to expire prior to the date they would be sworn into their new position, if elected, and they are not seeking re-election to their current office. -Spending bills passed by the Senate must substantially conform to the bill originating in the House, and may not be completely re-writtennd passed by the Senate unless the re-written version passes the House first. As in, the Senate cannot take the number of a bill passed by the House and completely re-write the legislation like they did with Obamacare, and try to pass it off as a spending bill that originated in the House.
  11. Nonsense, it was due to the policies of the previous administration and Mrs. Romney's horse.
  12. Don't forget to give them a trophy with that medal and $15/hr. Everyone should have a trophy so that no one feels left out.
  13. For an admitted douche who doesn't "want to bicker with people on a Bills message board", you're trying awful hard to bicker.
  14. That works so well in at least three different ways.
  15. Why do so many people hate women and blacks? This certainly can't be an indictment of the ineffective and irrational liberal policies enacted against the will of the people, so it must be racism and mysoginy.
  16. Evil? EVIL!?! You must be a commufacisterrorst. Tenure is a necessary protection so that these poor overpaid, underworked educators have guaranteed jobs for life, no matter how much they suck at what they do.
  17. This ordinance should last about 12 seconds on judicial review.
  18. Kerry was for foreign policy failures before he was against it. Clearly it was not his fault. Romney has a horse.
  19. It's tough making an average of ~$56,000 per year to work <6 hours per day 180 days per year. They need more money than these slave wages!
  20. Sir, why do you hate black people, women and own a horse?
  21. You mean besides a bunch of construction, maintenance and end-line jobs (oh, and the associated federal/state tax revenue)? Can't imagine... It's not like this county needs to create jobs or anything.
  22. He did, but it becomes effective only when a replacement is confirmed by the Senate. Obama will probably get around to nominating a replacement in December... of 2016.
  23. Let me be clear: If you like your premium, you can keep your premium. Period.
  24. I know the feeling. I've had people accuse me of being too white. So I'm all like, "honkey, please" when they do that! It is disheartening.
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