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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Apparently it's now unfair to ask questions about what, exactly, Hillary has ever done that was significant... http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/is-it-unfair-to-ask-about-hillary-clintons-accomplishments/406087/
  2. Buncha DPRK pussies. Lil' Kim should have stood up to Daddy (or Mommy, as the case may be) and launched his "surprise operations". What could possibly go wrong for the North, with the US having an additional 80,000 or so troops in the area working with the entire South Korean military?!?
  3. That seems odd for it to be genetic; everyone else in the family likes girls!
  4. Because he can't defend anything that idiot Obama or his little-trained inept monkeys have done.
  5. That's why they called it 'workplace violence'. Besides, everything that has happened since 2009 was the fault of the 'previous administration'.
  6. A Clinton did something shady and illegal with their public office? Shocking!
  7. Can we start euthanizing the PETA heirarchy?
  8. Stalin might look more lively and life-like on the campaign trail than Hillary.
  9. Well, luckily for the rest of us, consensus doesn't support such preposterous nonsense. Therefore, it ain't science.
  10. The only thing more hilarious than one caged man being burned to death is four caged men being set alight.
  11. Let's just all hope he doesn't blast you after watching internet porn. Unless that's what floats your boat, of course.
  12. All he needs is a pen, a telephone and a teleprompter to be President for life.
  13. Let's not forget how he heroically threw away medals belonging to someone else to protest war criminals such as himself.
  14. This is all to be paid for by a luxury tax on millionaire's and billionaire's private jets. Let me be clear: Focus group testing says that it's the right thing to do to make fatcat millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share.
  15. Oh crap, Governor Hocul?? That may be the scariest thought since President Biden...
  16. You should have just skipped all the big fancy words and just gone with "you are the biggest tool on the planet".
  17. I've been a bad little girl, and need to be punished. I'll meet you in the Lincoln bedroom in 5 minutes. Don't worry about Ronnie. By tomorrow, he won't remember you were even here.
  18. It's the right thing to do.
  19. So is the plan to use extra revenue generated by this proposed tax increase to buy signs to let everyone know that their money is going to buy more signs?
  20. I can't imagine what is wrong with people watching Teen Mom in black in white. It may start a constructive dialogue on race that will fundamentally transform American society into a true egalitatian utopia. And by "may", I mean has no chance because this is nothing more than a cheap marketing ploy.
  21. If his uncle was anything like him, are we sure it wasn't friendly fire?
  22. Unfortunately both were quickly stoned to death after this picture was taken for being immodest. Those whores showed too much shoe.
  23. At least we're not showing Best Korea what it's like to be a Time Warner customer. I think that's considered a crime against humanity.
  24. 126 deaths are pretty hysterical, aren't they? However, what difference, at this point, does it make?
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