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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. If they do that, I hope they train the buffalo to take a crap on the visitor sidelines right before kickoff.
  2. Every team has their own criteria. I believe the Colts backed out of a trade with the Bills for some player a few years back because he failed their physical, after passing with the Bills staff.
  3. http://www.thedailynewsonline.com/bdn02/pegula-speaks-with-media-for-first-time-since-2015-20170329
  4. Anyone else notice that the OP disappeared from this abortion of a thread a long time ago?
  5. This implies that they were ever honest in the first place.
  6. What makes you think Mr. Pegula gives a crap about PSLs? As the man once famously said, "If I need more money, I'll drill another well." You do realize that the Bills cannot even plan a new stadium until their current lease expires? For a guy who wants to be "Kelly Tough", stop acting like a wuss.
  7. Wow, those Deadskin color rush uniforms are ugly. However, I was never a big fan of their burgundy and mustard color scheme to begin with (moreso after they started wearing yellow pants in every game.)
  8. How long would it really last before you got tired of being on the strip every week and you went to do other things to occupy your weekends?
  9. Screw the truck buying decisions, I will no longer know what type of ED pill I'm going to need!
  10. If you like your Czar, you can keep your Czar...
  11. Why would you assume that Uncle Jimbo and the rest of the family would suddenly be able to keep him in line, when they've pretty well utterly failed up to this point?
  12. I think it's more likely a Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, and Illuminati conspiracy! EJ is clearly the hottest FA QB this offseason, and those insidious bastards are keeping the poor man down!
  13. He would be foolish to take the job. He's got a great gig with the NFL Network where he's doing a fraction of the work he would as a GM. Not to mention he isn't going to become Snyder's latest scapegoat staying put on TV.
  14. You have to remember that the Browns are forced to spend to the cap floor, which they are nowhere near. This trade, which can be legitimately viewed as a waste of money in real terms, benefits them as they are not forced to enter into bad contracts to reach the cap floor - bad contracts that may screw them in future years. They have to spend the money either way, might as well spend it on someone they're not obligated to commit to for more than a season. Playing the short game, this benefits them by coming closer to hitting the cap floor without committing to anything beyond 2017. In the long-term, it *may* benefit them, depending on what they do with their 2017 6th and 2018 2nd. Any contributions Osweiler makes (assuming he's not just cut) are a bonus.
  15. Well, if Emperor Brandatine wants to convince someone to kill all the Cheatriot younglings, I'm ok with that...
  16. Trump vs. Rosie... One is in the White House as the duly-elected president, the other is spouting stupidity in the rain and cold.
  17. Thank you Harry Reid for going 'nuclear' and eliminating the filibuster for those federal court picks!
  18. Hold on, Clinton lost because of Fox News. Or was it the Russians? The FBI? Obama? Damn, so many reasons she lost, because we all know it can't be because she was a crap candidate.
  19. So the FBI should have pulled agents off their normal duties and sent them to run around the DNC building screaming about the breach of their cyber security, instead of calling the DNC IT guys whose job it is to look into potential breaches? Makes perfect sense.
  20. There is always harsh language that the brave crew of the Zumwalt can hurl at our nation's adversaries. Emotional wounds are the most devastating!
  21. It's because you touched yourself that one night. Thanks for that.
  22. The media has much bigger scandals to worry about, such as the fact that Trump sat next to a mobster at WrestleMania IV in 1988! https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-shows-trump-with-mob-figure-he-denied-knowing-090025964.html Next to 28 1/2 year old seating arrangements, what's a little corruption and collusion at the highest levels to defeat criminal investigations?
  23. Close. It's an unfair question because she and her fellow liberals haven't figured out how to answer it yet.
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