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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, to paraphrase Buddy Nix: if you have a franchise QB, you look like a genius no matter what.
  2. Yeah, you go with that spanky. I mean, it only took about 3 years after I called you crybabies out for not having anything resembling a coherent reason for wanting him gone before he was gone...
  3. The TV commercial even said so! Because conspiracy!
  4. Oh, so you're going to bluster than shrink away when challenged. I see.
  5. Maybe being Mr. Irrelevant will teach the kid some humility.
  6. You crybabies were right about Whaley how? Please, I want to hear your revisionist insight. So... we can't just take some random internet nobody at his word anymore?
  7. Fire him for what, stupidity that happened a decade ago, or the the conspiracies that you whiners have invented since he moved on from being an unwilling GM? The dude makes money for Mr. Pegula. That's what his job is. That's a job he is very good at. The fact that you're butthurt, and refuse to listen to anything other than idiotic conspiracies does not make him bad at his job.
  8. I agree. Those bums haven't won a single game since the draft started on Thursday. Hell, the rookies haven't even bothered to show up for a single practice yet! FIRE EVERYONE!!!!
  9. They're trying to build the hype before his first match. I would like to see what he can do in the ring as well, as I do not have the WWE Network (and obviously cannot watch NXT.) Everything I've read about him is that he is really good in the ring, so I do think that the wait will be worth it.
  10. I want to see what they do with Nakamura on Smackdown. There should be a lot of fun main event matches coming down the pipe if Vince doesn't bungle his push. His soon-to-be match with Ziggler should be a good introduction to the main roster fans, like how the Corbin/Ziggler feud was a great introduction for the Lone Wolf.
  11. Did not know there was one here, I shall check it out! I don't know what the percentage is of 9th Circuit cases overturned, but it really would not surprise me if it were as high as 80%.
  12. Judges can only be impeached and removed for bad behavior, not for being loony libs deciding cases with gatortard levels of illogic. The 9th Circuit is well known for being nuts, and I believe they are still the court most often overturned by the Supreme Court. The whole purpose behind making it incredibly hard to remove judges is so that judges aren't removed because they made an unpopular decision.
  13. Eh, any player who doesn't believe that they can/should win every game shouldn't be in the NFL. That said, after what he did to Aaron Williams, I would not oppose someone laying a dirty hit on him each and every week.
  14. Mayock regularly changes his ratings as he watches more game film on players, and makes no secret about doing it.
  15. Politics is a bloodsport now? Good God man, politics today are a tame whimper compared to the 1800's. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-election-of-1828-1773861
  16. Hooray for disingenuous liberal talking points!
  17. He completely ignored the great Felton Huggins! #notmycoach Seriously though, it's a cool gesture to get himself in touch with the history of the franchise. At the very least, it looks like extra motivation for him to build a great football program for the Bills.
  18. Hilarious how the liberal media is flipping out when president actually does what he said he would do on the campaign trail. Of course this has absolutely nothing to do with their endorsed girl Hillary running a horrible campaign and getting her ass kicked in the electoral college.
  19. If Gibran "The Hamas Hammer" Hamdan was not included in this dinner, I would be very disappointed in McCoach.
  20. Yes he was! I did the math one time. Somewhere around 60% of my infractions were from him, and the overwhelming majority were ticky-tack bull **** (admittedly the rest were deserved.) Either way, !@#$ them. This is a much better place.
  21. Being able to buy 4 goats per day (assuming 8 hours/day) is a darn good living.
  22. That really has not been working so far to curb his bad behavior (which reportedly goes back to his high school days). Why do you think that being near his family will make any difference now, especially with all of the additional pressure of being expected to be as good or better than Uncle Jim?
  23. So what time to do you start telling kids to get off your lawn?
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