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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. No doubt he will, but they referenced a few episodes back that he got into a fight in prison and they extended his time.
  2. The problem is that district map-drafters have to try to do it by population, as the House is supposed to be relatively equal representation of the people.
  3. But since she can't prove it, we'll just trust her word. Liberal politicians never lie, after all!
  4. The headline was everything it we were lead to believe it was. It was both engaging and reader-friendly. The headline even helpfully said so!
  5. Meh, just send Sister Abigail over to have a 'chat' with the soon-to-be ex wife. It will all work out just fine afterwards, cause you got the whole world in your hands...
  6. Sheriff Bart approves. The Waco Kid however...
  7. So... looks like Bray Wyatt is tagging JoJo Offerman. His wife is somehow not pleased. Silly wife.
  8. Dude, everyone knows it's the uniforms. If the Bills would only go back to the early 90's uniforms and red helmets: Championships galore!
  9. It is perfectly ethical for the lawfirm to drag out the case if they believe they will get substantially more for their clients. Part of the job is to maximize the money for your clients, even if it takes some time; attorneys have a fiduciary duty to their clients. Howard even pointed out that their projection was that Sandpiper would eventually settle for a lot more (which I'm presuming was based on Chuck's original season 1 analysis of RICO laws being applicable, allowing for triple damages if they won at trial.) However, while it is not unethical to drag out a case to maximize settlement money for the class members, Jimmy's argument for settlement was not wrong (despite his entirely selfish reasons) when he confronted Howard.
  10. He replaced them all. Re-watch the scene - he even had to count Tio's pills so that he put the correct amount of fake pills in the bottle.
  11. But it came from 'high level unnamed sources with intimate knowledge of the situation', therefore reality is wrong! #RESIST!
  12. Oh alright, you got me. It's actually a Schedule C item, backed by the 1099 he got from the Russians. They do know how to claim welfare babies to up that child tax credit amount!
  13. One of the line items will read "Sold US secrets to Russia during collusion on campaign", with an appropriate income amount listed.
  14. Don't worry, she is adept at snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
  15. Yeah, they really need to move on from 1953...
  16. Thank God for Nancy, trying to keep regular stupidity flowing in a sea of insanity: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/337181-pelosi-comeys-disclosures-on-loretta-lynch-not-such-a-big-deal
  17. Why, just why? There are easier and more humane ways to torture yourself, like self-flagellation.
  18. If you're going to refuse, refuse everything - roadside olympics and scientific testing. Give them nothing to go with. Intoxication is very difficult to prove without admissions, sobriety tests and BAC tests. A 1-year license revocation for refusing is preferable to being convicted of a DWI.
  19. In fairness, conservatives tend to have to get up to go to work the next morning.
  20. Damn those Russians. Does their hacking know no bounds?!? Or is it Comey's fault this week? Misogynists? The DNC? Crap, I don't know who I'm supposed to blame anymore!!!
  21. In. Each. State. Not the will of the people as a whole.
  22. Eh, I say this guy should be invited to attend all Team Saudi games: http://www.independent.co.uk/News/uk/home-news/london-bridge-terror-attack-fk-!@#$-you-im-millwall-hero-roy-larner-football-fan-lion-of-london-a7775246.html
  23. I was hoping that Jimmy would reference that comment when he was cross-examining Chuck.
  24. The world is going to end based on one immutable scientific principle: Because !@#$ you, that's why!
  25. Yeah... considering that 32 of the 50 state legislatures are controlled by the GOP, what, exactly, do you think is going to happen if this fantasy of yours actually comes to pass? Whatever little fantasy scenario you are concocting isn't going to happen. 'Covfefe' has a better chance of becoming an actual word than an Article V convention giving you what you want.
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