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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Negotiate with who? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they're not interested in anything other than playing at being a juvenile "resistance". The only proposals they have made are bandaids to keep Obamacare a thing, that will ultimately do nothing to fix the systemic problems.
  2. I think they could get away with it, so long as JJ can sell the love/affection with Angle before HHH reveals this was all an evil setup because reasons. You know Hunter/Stephanie would be all over doing the actual heeling.
  3. They killed cops?
  4. Only from the other guys. The man has TWO scoops of ice cream to the one allowed to everyone else. This is groundbreaking Pulitzer-prize winning journalism here!
  5. I can see them pushing him as the guy with "American values" being given opportunity after opportunity by his long-lost dad, before betraying daddy in favor of HHH (setting up a match between Angle and Trips.)
  6. Jason Jordan as Kurt Angle's son? Meh. These types of storylines never turn out well. Guess that explains why they've been sorta pushing Chad Gable as a singles wrestler.
  7. I'm sure they would, but it's misogynists' fault Comey's fault Russia's Fault that they can't. Damn Russians.
  8. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/not-fast-u-restaurant-workers-seek-ban-surprise-100505711--finance.html Well, if you're going to pay little-trained monkeys $15 an hour to ask if you want fries with that burger, you might as well go all-in and lock their schedules in two weeks ahead of time. Nothing says profits like forcing companies to keep employees on-site and on the clock when the customer traffic doesn't justify that much staff on a given day.
  9. No steaks or bacon, or bacon-wrapped steaks? That's not a world I want to live in.
  10. You do remember that this is a Buffalo Bills inspired message board... We're all used to being defeated.
  11. Exactly when did the government illegally search those people?
  12. Basically (that was clearly the intent), but he did not actually use the words. I didn't say it was a very big bright side.
  13. On the bright side, at least he didn't go with "I'm rubber and your [sic] glue..."
  14. With the stupidity the democrats are spouting on a daily basis turning off most of their base, it's possible (albeit unlikely) the Republicans will in 2018. I wonder who they will find to blame then. Could be fun!
  15. Again, report it to whom?
  16. There was only one simple lesson to be learned from TBC raids...
  17. Maybe he should just promise that everyone who likes their insurance and doctor can keep their insurance and doctor, and that there will be no taxes associated with it. That pack of lies worked out so well last time! Oh and that 30 million people who don't have coverage will have coverage they can't afford just to pay deductibles they can't afford before their insurance coverage becomes relevant.
  18. Report it to whom? Junior does not work for the government, and was/is under no obligation to report anything.
  19. I'm sure they're admission that their blatant lie was an "honest" mistake has absolutely nothing to do with them being sued by Palin for publishing an actual lie (knowingly lying being the standard for defamation/libel suits involving public figures.)
  20. That's just what *they* want you to think.
  21. That we're the same dipshits who elected Hillary be a do-nothing senator... twice?
  22. I hope the guy in the jorts brought enough beer for everyone...
  23. At this point, the case is about what the executive power actually is to issue this type of order, not the 90 day restriction itself.
  24. It's a darn sad day when a simple stoning of the gays is out of style...
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