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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The kayfabe "we're leaving if Bork loses" schtick should not be taken seriously. Regardless, he still has to serve his suspension for the PED thing. The earliest they could fight is 2018, assuming that Brock gets back into the testing pool ASAP. He also has to serve his suspension, get into fighting shape, hype the hell out of the superfight, etc. http://deadspin.com/the-proposed-brock-lesnar-jon-jones-superfight-is-now-p-1797433212
  2. It bought a lot of signs to let us know that things like minimal roadwork were being paid for with the $800 billion. That's sort of like infrastructure.
  3. What the !@#$? Early stages? The idiots ran the worst candidate of all time, who was thoroughly corrupt, had no real message/platform other than "I'm entitled to the job", ignored large swathes of her constituency in "flyover country", and alienated large numbers of Democrats when she got caught colluding with the DNC to screw over Bernie Sanders. Oh wait, it was misogynists/racists Comey Russian "hacking" collusion....
  4. quiet quiet quiet Quiet Quiet QUiet QUIet QUIEt QUIET QUIET QUIET!
  5. You seem more like a Carlos Danger kind of guy.
  6. She was hopped up on cough syrup/purple drank for the stealth factor. Also, the murder not her fault since she was high on cough syrup at the time.
  7. Hillary in the Library with the Candlestick.
  8. It is unlikely an 85 year old man is being sent to federal prison for a day, much less 6 months.
  9. I wouldn't agree that he was given no chance to succeed. However, he didn't do a whole lot with the chances he was given. That's on him as much as on Marrone and Rex. He seems like a nice guy, and I wish him well. Elsewhere.
  10. I really like the new theme for Big Cass. Much better than the crap he had post-split. I equally dislike the new music for Jason Jordan. It's not really a song I hear closing a show after winning a main event.
  11. Trump is the resident animal at the White House. The man has TWO scoops of ice cream for dessert! There isn't room for pets there.
  12. Unless that study is backed by a consensus of political scientists, it can't be true. The libs have declared that there is no voter fraud.
  13. If they want to make any meaningful changes to Obamacare, or any meaningful replacement, they need 60 votes, or to do away with the filibuster. The 51 vote threshold is only to pass something substantially similar to the House bill - any major deviations from what the House passed requires going through the full debate/filibuster rules.
  14. I agree, we should all take a step back and hold a few more beer summits and international apology tours.
  15. The man got over a potted plant AND a metal clipboard. He truly is the GOAT.
  16. One of the reasons they wanted to do healthcare first was to roll the projected savings from Obamacare going away into an infrastructure bill.
  17. The Great Khali returns... Well, if he is going to wrestle at SummerSlam, I hope they put it mid way through the show so that everyone can take a convenient bathroom break without missing anything entertaining.
  18. While true believers applaud their hollow platitudes in advertising, and enslaving a culturally diverse set of unpaid interns to come up with the message, multinational corporations are bad. Not acceptable. Organically grown by hippies or gtfo!
  19. So... he knows how to get a message out. That's pretty much the job he took.
  20. Only if the plant was grown using organic principles by actual hippies.
  21. Hanging is cruel to the trees, you naturist bastard!
  22. I'm sorry, that must be phrased in the form of a question.
  23. Trips does like his slow burn storylines... Anyhow, I'm just hoping this is minimally marginally more entertaining that the crapshow that was Hornswoggle being McMahon's kid. Not setting the bar too high for entertainment value, logic, consistency, or that the writers will even remember this development in 6 weeks.
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