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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Every day of the week and thrice on Sundays.
  2. There's a difference between understanding that your team isn't likely going to be competing for the Super Bowl this year and intentionally tanking. Trading two players for other players and draft picks isn't exactly a fire sale...
  3. Where else are you going to put your beer?
  4. Blowing a .08 is within the margin of error for the breathalyzer machines (which is + or - .01). I suspect she'll plead to driving while ability impaired by alcohol (a traffic infraction) with a 90 day suspension of her license and fines.
  5. I hear North Korea is lovely this time of year.
  6. Because it's just that easy. Hell, I'm sure that if Beane were a real GM he would have gotten 3 1st round picks for Watkins. The Bills weren't going to do better than a player and a second round pick unless Watkins played all 16 games AND put up Megatron-type numbers (in which case, why wouldn't they just pay him?)
  7. But is he colluding with the Asian Carp?
  8. If a story is not credited to 'unnamed sources citing unnamed methods', then it's just not trustworthy to the left.
  9. You guys better be going to the correct side of Letchworth to enjoy the natural beauty.
  10. What is there to spin? The Bills are loading up for the 2018 draft. Having 2 second and 2 third round picks now give the Bills a lot of ammunition for trading around the board, or just filling in depth. That will offset any potential lack in production that is felt in losing Watkins (assuming he could stay healthy) and Darby in the long term.
  11. Trump didn't get any future draft picks in the trade?!? IMPEACH HIS ASS NOW!
  12. I think it's more accurate to say that the Patriots model is not sustainable for any team that doesn't have Tom Brady at QB. Belichick was a sub-.500 coach before him.
  13. I've read several times that, while most wrestlers have to turn their personalities up to 11 for their characters, he has to tone his down to 11 to perform.
  14. So what you're saying is that there will be an additional 6.5 million people without access to health insurance if Obamacare is repealed?!? Well, according to CBO logic anyhow, who consistently failed to differentiate the people who don't want to buy insurance (but do anyhow because of the penalty tax) from those who might actually legitimately lose coverage they want to overpay for when scoring the GOP proposals.
  15. I agree that Barry's phone and pen was keeping us safe. It's a shame that Trump allowed Lil' Kim to start his ballistic missile/nuclear miniaturization programs at 12:01 pm EST on January 20, 2017. He should be impeached immediately and somehow replaced by Hillary or Nancy Pelosi! Screw The Rock. This is a job for Chuck Norris!
  16. Well, you can't teach that...
  17. https://sports.yahoo.com/mayweather-mcgrego-still-not-sold-secondary-market-sees-spike-resell-tickets-available-200416089.html Looks like people aren't so willing to pony up over 3x more money per ticket than the Mayweather/Pacman fight. i can't imagine why people aren't lining up around the block to fork over thousands of dollars to watch a retired boxer take on a loudmouth who has never boxed.
  18. This is correct. If Megatron unretired, he would still be under contract with the Lions; any team that wanted him would have to pony up some draft picks for his services.
  19. Please, what did he ever do as a receiver?!? He narrowly avoided both a serious wrist injury AND a papercut when he signed the contract!
  20. That's far too low on his head to be a man-bun. That's a perfectly acceptable controlled ponytail.
  21. It's an internet meme, therefore it must be true!
  22. It's only January/February if he gets back into the USADA testing pool immediately. The 6 months and change he owes on his suspension are (for lack of a better term) suspended until he "unretires".
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