It's hysteria when the whining and demands for regime change begin in preseason.
The Bills had the 10th best offense in the league last year without Sammy (or really any other receiver of note) for half the season. Did you really think that the Bills were going to suddenly become an air raid offense? Did you have some fantasy that Tyrod was going to throw for 4,500 yards and 42 TDs? Was never going to happen.
They're going to run the ball, a lot. That's why I'm not too upset over the Sammy trade, the injuries or Boldin retiring. Does it suck that Boldin quit? Yeah it does. However, the offense is not going out the window because he did.
The Bills will be reasonably successful if the defense actually shows up to play without twin dumbasses overcomplicating it, and if the offense can consistently run the ball.
Football is not rocket surgery.
Not for less than $4 million per season game.