I don't know if 205 Live is a demotion for Enzo. Those guys are his size, and the show needs an attraction to get more viewers.
Don't get me wrong, seeing him ragdolled by someone 6-14 inches and 50-100+ pounds heavier every week is fun, but eventually he needs to do more in the ring against wrestlers who he can be considered competition to.
I agree with you guys on Cena. He's a great performer, but most of his matches are the same. He gets his ass beat for 85% of the match, turns into SuperCena, does his 5 moves of doom and wins. The guy should never have been booked to look like he was struggling to overcome perennial jobbers like (pre-Miz) Damien Sandow.
I will give Cena credit in trying to do different things though, like when he was working into his move set the springboard stunner (though his opponents generally botched it for him). The US Open challenge was the best thing going on Raw for the better part of a year.
Ellsworth brings easy heat to Carmella. He's getting the crowd reactions for her segments, which is why he still has a job.