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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Wow, I officially hate Dark Emma's new theme music.
  2. The problem is that the ball was still in the air when Burfict hit him. I would agree that it wasn't a dirty hit (mean - yes, vicious - yes, but not dirty), though it should still have been a penalty at that point of the play. Burfict went shoulder-to-chest. It does look like their helmets made a little contact (which is unclear with the camera angle), but, even if there was incidental contact, it was clear that Burfict was not targeting the head or neck.
  3. 0 Convictions on the year, beat that Dallas!
  4. I love how she's running for a school board seat.
  5. Technically, Obama only commuted its sentence for being a traitor - the conviction still stands. Still, all the idiots on the left crying about Trump ignoring the rule of law didn't (and still don't) have a problem with Obama disregarding and changing the lawful sentence imposed on that traitorous freak. Nor do they have any 'rule of law' problems with the other 2,000 or so pardons/commutations he did.
  6. You do realize that McGregor couldn't use 90% of his offense or defense under boxing rules, right?
  7. Yes it is, and Family Court is about 60% of what I do for a living.
  8. Can we classify Liberals as a minority?
  9. Meh, you just have to have a really warped/morbid sense of humor and the ability to not get emotionally attached to the situation. Oh, and a willingness to yell at stupidass clients - a lot.
  10. I hate the little prick as a football player, but I hope he isn't badly hurt (douche or no in real life.)
  11. Yes and no. If he were to use an illegal move, the commission would hold his share of the purse and decide what to do with it later (giving none, some, or all to Mayweather.) Less likely, Mayweather could also sue McGregor for damages claiming that the illegal hit ended his boxing career - which could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, with the amount being based on the paydays he received for his last three fights, including this one.
  12. I'm guessing someone will come in and claim that his statement is code for him having no faith in the Bills and was upset over them hoodwinking him into signing.
  13. Pointing out BLM's inherent racism is racist, you racist.
  14. He's also not allowed to beat women...
  15. I see him stringing out the fight for 3-4 rounds before demolishing McGregor - Solely so people cannot complain a 28 second boxing match wasn't worth thousands of dollars for tickets or whatever the PPV cost is for those at home and demand a refund. This is a money grab by him, and if he wants another "superfight" payday down the line, he needs to make it look like it was worth the cost to the audience.
  16. I would laugh so hard if Mayweather took a dive to cash in on the bookies.
  17. I don't know if 205 Live is a demotion for Enzo. Those guys are his size, and the show needs an attraction to get more viewers. Don't get me wrong, seeing him ragdolled by someone 6-14 inches and 50-100+ pounds heavier every week is fun, but eventually he needs to do more in the ring against wrestlers who he can be considered competition to. I agree with you guys on Cena. He's a great performer, but most of his matches are the same. He gets his ass beat for 85% of the match, turns into SuperCena, does his 5 moves of doom and wins. The guy should never have been booked to look like he was struggling to overcome perennial jobbers like (pre-Miz) Damien Sandow. I will give Cena credit in trying to do different things though, like when he was working into his move set the springboard stunner (though his opponents generally botched it for him). The US Open challenge was the best thing going on Raw for the better part of a year. Ellsworth brings easy heat to Carmella. He's getting the crowd reactions for her segments, which is why he still has a job.
  18. Dude, it's the Onion. It's not a secret that they don't care whose lives are destroyed and who gets hurt by their stories.
  19. There is only one way to kill Nazis:
  20. That's what I thought at first, but multiple outlets are reporting that it's legit, and it would explain the rushed ending to the match before he collapsed. https://www.cagesideseats.com/wwe/2017/8/21/16181586/big-cass-raw-leg-injury-video-enzo-amore-match-stopped-knee-hamstring-possible-work
  21. I don't hate the helmet. Not sold on the jersey.
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