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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. I feel that a 16 game suspension is in order for St. Tawmy, because Brady knew or should have known he wasn't concussed. Maybe the Patsies should forfeit some draft picks as well. !@#$ Brady. !@#$ Kraft. !@#$ the Cheatriots.
  2. Get in before she starts gaining weight during her period of forced-sobriety.
  3. Isn't there a poem that we are supposed to be using for immigration policy? So let me get this straight: When the Democrats hold a majority in congress, it's the Republican's fault for their inability to pass legislation. When the Republicans hold a majority in congress, it's the Republican's fault for not passing legislation?
  4. We civilians lose power for a few weeks, the US military does not. Best Korea would never survive the reprisal attack.
  5. That kid must have really been terrible at math and needed the grades to graduate.
  6. The NFL may be right - the PA collectively bargained that power to Goodell. It will be interesting to see how the judge rules.
  7. Uncle Pa gets real pissy about that sort of thing. Newfangled technosorcery is for them evil city slickers.
  8. Can't imagine why he was fired... On a side note, this filing shows that she's crazy enough that I think she'd be fun in the sack. I'll take one for the team and temporarily handle his husbandly duties since he won't.
  9. Because there was absolutely no possibility of another team claiming one of them before the Bills were at the top of the priority list? Putting in claims for 2 tight ends does not mean they actually wanted 2 tight ends.
  10. Paper bags were invented for a reason.
  11. Yeah, and I'm sure you were first in line to call Pete Carroll lazy and crappy when he did the same exact thing in Seattle.
  12. Challenging the US is not the game he is playing. He's playing the game of brinksmanship, one that North Korea has been exceptionally successful at the past 25 years. He wants negotiations where he is seen as an equal partner by the US, Japan, China, etc. Negotiations that lead to normalized trade where he gets to keep oppressing his people while raising their standard of living slightly, and vastly enriching his loyalists.
  13. What do you think the EPA is going to about the potentially-spreading toxins in a flood that hasn't subsided yet? Regulate the waters away after a period of public comment? Nicely ask the pollution to stop polluting? You !@#$ing moron.
  14. Admit it, you enjoy being eyed like a piece of meat!
  15. This question makes more sense. It can come down to a gametime decision for notifying the other team. As for working with the offense, I'd suspect that Peterman would get a fair number of 1st team post-clearance reps in practice if Tyrod isn't cleared before Tuesday. And yes, you have disgraced and dishonored your family and village.
  16. You say he's awful at his job, then point out he's doing his job very well. What do you think he gets paid to do? (Here's a hint: It's taking bullets for the owners.)
  17. Bad premise and false advertising on the poll. I'm quite disappointed in the OP.
  18. 1st rule of being an arms dealer: Don't sell to people who will use them against you.
  19. .37 to .18? I call that improvement!
  20. So radical Sunni terrorist/supremacist groups are supplying the largest Shi'ite country with nuclear materials? Yeah...
  21. O'Doyle didn't rule that day.
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