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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Tennessee Whiskey or Kentucky Bourbon?
  2. Deutchland uber alles?
  3. Epilogue: The reserve officer died from his wounds. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/09/27/the-patient-a-utah-nurse-protected-before-her-high-profile-arrest-dies/?utm_term=.238ecb93c253
  4. Moral victories are critical. Not quite as critical as throwing for 300 yards in a game, but critical nonetheless. Ties are for sissies who can't make up their minds.
  5. Well he can't do more than 8.
  6. It's only better if the Bills win in a particular style, not that outdated nonsense like the final score.
  7. That's pretty harsh for a case of accidental lead poisoning.
  8. Your asking for an emergency exemption to the law that makes no sense in this situation. I get that it's the cool thing to complain about and #resist according to today's liberal talking points, but seriously, it's just !@#$ing stupid at this point. Not when you have a pen and a telephone.
  9. Great. Where are they going to have these foreign ships offload heavy machinery? Again, what part of the port is destroyed can the left not conceptualize? So... foreign ships are going to use US military hovercraft to deliver goods?
  10. Passing yards is the 28th tiebreaker, about 16 tiebreakers after the coin flip.
  11. Ships of any sort in where? The island's port facilities are destroyed. There is no where for these 'ships of any sort' to offload their goods. The island's infrastructure has been destroyed. Why is this so hard to understand? Seriously, I really want to know why that concept is so hard for the left to get through their thick skulls.
  12. Fantasy points, man. Fantasy points. No one gives a **** about final scores or who wins on the field if their fantasy teams lose!
  13. Offensive style points account for 75% of the final score. That's why the Bills are 0-3 instead of being 2-1. Fire/cut everyone!
  14. I would have died laughing if Tyrod had started talking about getting Tolbert the ball in space.
  15. Enzo is doing great work. He's a heel that everyone is still cheering for and whose merchandise is selling. He's also a heel whose asskickings are being cheered by the crowd. Dude isn't lying when he says he's money.
  16. Hello! We are discussing the 12-game HoF-worthy career of Kyle Orton, and why, for some incomprehensible reason, ignorant people do not want him on the Bills Wall of Fame.
  17. Accidentally falling backwards onto some bullets is a hell of a way to go.
  18. I'd support this only if Felton Huggins joins him on the Wall.
  19. Show some respect! He was once Asian too!
  20. How can you not love Muscles McBigguns after annihilating Enzo again?
  21. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Next you !@#$ers will tell me that Gerald Ford's name actually wasn't Gerald Ford!
  22. That is only acceptable if accompanied by this ensamble:
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