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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yet the left has taken EVERY opportunity to attack Trump, without any actual regard for minor things like facts or the truth. Never let a crisis go to waste. Uh huh.
  2. Can't really blame the moron liberals, they are just blindly following Rahm Emmanuel's directive: "Never let a serious crisis go to waste."
  3. So how has that waiver of the Jones Act mattered? There was no port for foreign ships to go to, dipshit.
  4. Just remind him at every opportunity that the Cheatriots did, in fact, exist prior to January, 2002.
  5. It's not a coincidence that the top 3 lobby groups in NY are unions.
  6. Whatever you have to tell yourself to get through the day, buddy.
  7. But hey, foreign ships can now transport goods from the US mainland to Puerto Rico, so everything is good! Tolbert for a real RB and a 7th in 2019 or gtfo.
  8. sar-chasm (n.) the giant gulf between the sarcastic comment and the person who doesn't get it.
  9. Thank God for small miracles.
  10. There was no reason for the defender to lead with the crown of his helmet, aiming for the chest or not. That type of stupidity is dangerous for both the tackler (remember Kevin Everett?) and the ball carrier.
  11. That low? What'd he do, impregnate and abandon your sister?
  12. Toe the party line, you racist misogynist terrorist homophobic traitorous bastard!
  13. They should have let Franklin write it. Even if he had slipped a few jokes into it, it would have been worth the read!
  14. They weren't protesting those who keep us safe while protesting the police... who keep us safe.
  15. Of course they have a plan. It's even got a hashtag: #resist
  16. No, that's his grandpa. His dad is Nicholas Cage.
  17. He had TWO scoops of ice cream after supper last night, while the people of Puerto Rico have no electricity. IMPEACH!
  18. Believe me, it will be them. They will feel the fire and fury of the US military.
  19. The only good Fenwick is a dead Fenwick.
  20. I love body camera footage. It's like watching an episode of Cops.
  21. I can't stand the medley crap they do. Just play 2-3 complete songs and entertain the crowd - don't try to cram in parts of 15 songs and 4 wardrobe changes. Unless you have left shark.
  22. The lack of skill fits his gimmick perfectly, and (more importantly) he's not botching moves/spots to where he's dangerous to work with.
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