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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. That must have been one hell of a splitting headache...
  2. Only amongst a sampling of 10 Hillary supporters.
  3. That was the entire point of Obamacare.
  4. I imagine it's tough to find a reporter who wants to risk their career over the allegations. There is a story out that Matt Damon and Russell Crowe helped to kill an expose in 2004. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ben-affleck-matt-damon-become-guest-stars-harvey-weinstein-scandal-171213233.html
  5. Time for him to start hiding assets while he's in "therapy". He's got a decade or more of lawsuits ahead of him (starting with his oncoming divorce.) He's pretty effed, especially with the allegations that he raped Asia Argento (amongst others). The only thing he really has to hit back (assuming he goes full-retard and starts attacking his victims' credibility) is that Rose McGowan is leading the charge on behalf of his victims, after taking a $100,000 payoff and demanding that he back her boyfriend's movies.
  6. Seriously though, it really baffles me that the left has yet to figure out that Trump is constantly baiting them into acting irrationally, as they continue to step on every twitter landmine he lays for them. Every silly tweet that they get outraged over hurts their credibility. People expect Trump to act like an asshat, it's what he does. The left's continual attempts to out-asshat Trump just make them look more and more stupid, weak and ineffective.
  7. The Jests cannot even get tanking right... once again the Giants have to step in and show them what's what.
  8. Hell, I'd find it more interesting if they stole the urn bit from the Undertaker. Maybe they'll have Abigail possess a woman to be his valet or something. I really am not interested in seeing 'Finn v. Bray 5: Dude Looks Like a Lady'.
  9. Now he's officially been fired from his job as a detective, with his commanding officer being demoted from Lieutenant to Officer. https://www.yahoo.com/news/utah-officer-fired-nurses-arrest-caught-video-224216711.html
  10. He did find Floyd on Grindr.
  11. They could have nominated a better person than Trump, but nominated Hillary instead.
  12. I truly hope that Gordon gets his **** together and decides that he really wants to accept help dealing with addiction and to change his life. You can't force change on an addict.
  13. I am excited to see the answer to "why, Sami, why?!?" tonight. They can go in any number of directions and make a very compelling story. On another note, I was very impressed in Finn Balor's amazing ability not to laugh his ass off about having to face Bray Wyatt in drag for his next match. After Sister Abigail loses to the demon (then the man in November), maybe Wyatt will wear a top hat and coat as Lord Spencerton takes control to challenge Finn. Just as long as Cousin Jed and his dirty bathrobe stays buried...
  14. So, after your lackluster performance she takes pity on you?
  15. The entirety of the poem is NOT the national anthem. I know that's a hard distinction to make for idiots looking to be offended.
  16. So on top of being a racist, he's an Islamaphobe for not including their religious doctrine into his stories. Can we posthumously shoot this bastard?
  17. Interceptions don't win you fantasy games.
  18. The NY Times is a bastion of journalistic integrity. Just ask them. At least it has been a few years since one of their journalists has had a plagiarism scandal.
  19. Eh, the setup was nice. The OP fell into the trap, and the payoff worked. I'd say it was well played.
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