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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. She would have been happy to provide open and honest answers, if it weren't for that pesky broken toe...
  2. You missed some real gems by stopping at the second sentence. I like how the lesbian cops and the lesbian judge conspired to kidnap and keep her away from her son, because they're lesbians. Her future plans also include giving birth to twins.
  3. Where the hell is Lil Kim when you need him to make good on his ridiculously-worded nuclear threats?
  4. It would be nice to have a Congress that was more interested in getting stuff done than political stunts and brinkmanship games.
  5. https://sports.yahoo.com/boomer-esiason-colin-kaepernick-saga-152244156.html He also criticizes those who demand he be signed and started immediately, as it is not possible for Kaepernick to be signed by a team like Green Bay and be ready to play immediately; he will need time to learn a new offense.
  6. No, as much as the idiots on the left keep trying to disown their abortion of a health insurance bill, it's still going to be known as Obamacare.
  7. There was a DMV clerk around here that got away with stealing money for about a year before it was discovered. It should have been caught within days, but those responsible for checking, as part of their job responsibilities, were pencil whipping the daily reports. It took a lot to figure out the depth of the damage, but that person should have been caught immediately without any type of audit. If the place were using even minimal controls/oversight, an audit wouldn't have been necessary. Seems like no one above this jackass was paying a lick of attention to invoices for food they didn't serve.
  8. That's fine. However, it does not excuse the multiple subsequent years of suck that Kaepernick brought to the field. His skill is simply not worth the pricetag he thinks he commands, and certainly is not worth the headache he (and his idiot girlfriend) brings to any team foolish enough to sign him.
  9. Uh, you might want to read up on Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure... It exists for a reason. Yeah, a power outage and having a fantastic defense had nothing to do with that, I'm sure. Of course, are you trying to say that Brad Johnson and Rob Johnson are better QBs than Kelly and Marino? They've got a ring you know.
  10. No, it proves that being able to win football games trumps everything else. Guess which guy can't win football games (here's a hint: it's Kaepernick.)
  11. 9 years he was pulling the scam, and the dipshits never could figure out why they were going over budget? Seems that a few more other than fajita-boy need to be fired.
  12. Milana Vayntrub is still one of my favorites.
  13. I plan on going after Bill Gates and Warren Buffett for colluding to keep me from being a billionaire. Those rascally bastards will pay!!!!!1111
  14. It's funny that he sued. The fact that he supposedly was offered a contract from Baltimore before his girlfriend started calling the owner a racist is going to play well. I'm sure the other teams are going to be fighting each other to run to his doorstep with large contracts for him to sign after suing as well. I would love to see 32 GMs being deposed and saying either a.) We have a QB and aren't paying $10+ million for a backup who causes distractions and a loss of fans, or b.) That he isn't good enough to overcome the distraction and loss of fans.
  15. Who said that they were women?
  16. Doesn't matter. The left would have cried that he did not go through the legislative process first, before ruling by executive order. Keep in mind that they just want to play at being some kind of resistance at this point, because their girl lost.
  17. Yet the Democrats had a filibuster-proof supermajority to come up with a health care policy that wasn't a total cluster!@#$ that needed blatantly unconstitutional actions to salvage..
  18. Well, he has always been allergic to taking responsibility for !@#$ing up on the field...
  19. Laws are for the little people, and do not apply when they conflict with progressive handouts.
  20. You will be proud to tell your grandchildren where you were when it happened.
  21. I'd like to see him explain the system of single member district plurality as a form of republican government.
  22. The poor girl is deaf and has no sense of smell now.
  23. It's alright, buddy - embrace the apple pie, V-8 motors with crappy gas mileage, and county fairs. Just as long as you don't start saying "y'all", "yinz", or "yous guys", you'll be fine.
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