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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." That's Joe's focus on improving Black America.
  2. I would agree with this.
  3. I can tell you that I love peaceful protests that only peacefully destroy a few city blocks at a time.
  4. ...by upholding a careless, lawless action by the previous executive!
  5. Wow, piss poor form. Whomever taught that kid golf should feel bad about themselves.
  6. Hell, my brother's girlfriend is a hairdresser. She now makes her clients sign a waiver before she'll touch their hair.
  7. Don't forget that silence (or, you know, not wanting to get involved) means you're a double racist.
  8. Gotta love a generation of imbeciles who get caught because they want to publicly advertise how unique they are.
  9. Can't really arrest someone for that. They could have gave him an appearance ticket, though.
  10. I love how he drives the trolls in his comments section insane.
  11. Arrest him for what? He had committed no crime. Pushing him out of the way was the only actual option.
  12. They're still pissed about how they tanked their careers by alienating their core audience...
  13. They also lightened the color of the 'V', thus showing their contempt for those of darker complexion.
  14. No doubt it was the OP, in response to it being pointed out that no one had voted in his dumbass poll.
  15. Because NunyaGodDamnBusiness was taken. And, of course, Bruce is great.
  16. I saw somewhere that his rival (and former chief ADA) was the top vote-getter, and there will be a run-off as no one got over 50%. This is pure political pandering, which is sickening and unethical from a prosecutor.
  17. Eh, I'm sure we all died in 2012, the matrix just hasn't updated yet.
  18. Eh, if it makes you feel better, the Perry Mason theme is my ring tone (and no, I'm not joking.)
  19. Gotta love third-hand nonsense smears.
  20. Take some of the fish tank cleaner and let us know.
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