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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. So, in other words, they haven't changed your life.
  2. I'm sure it was just an accident. Stuff like that happens.
  3. Absolutely amazing that Johnny Unitas had that record for about 25 years, playing in a completely different league (rules-wise).
  4. Well, at least they are smart enough to bring lunch. Rioting Protesting on an empty stomach does no one any good.
  5. She was safe until she crossed the Clintons with her book. Her upcoming suicide will be tragic, I'm sure. I can't imagine how desperate someone must be to escape their life to consider shooting themselves twice in the back of the head.
  6. Uh, you do know that Stalin wasn't a facist, right?
  7. No, pointing out you being stupid is not name calling. It's pointing out that you're being stupid. Stop being stupid, and I would not have to point it out for you. Though it's cute that you think I'm anti Tyrod. You never disappoint when you get on your high horse.
  8. Now you're just going full retard.
  9. Is 15 TDs per season a "Franchise QB" to you?
  10. If you enjoy the party and the gameday experience, why not? Of course you could always give up your tickets and just go for the tailgate.
  11. At least they aren't trying to make you pay them child support until they're 21... yet.
  12. I was bored... Engaging gatortard is, believe it or not, slightly less painful than reading 80+ pages of a transcript from an inmate disciplinary hearing over whether or not a toothbrush with a melted handle is an "altered item" under the NYS Department of Corrections regulations.
  13. Your lack of basic reading comprehension and ability to parrot the term "fake news" does not, in fact, make it "fake news".
  14. 27% run and the Bills had all of, what, 28 yards to show for it. The runs were ineffective. The swing passes to the RBs were less effective. The long developing pass routes got Tyrod killed. Do you not have any concept that the offensive coordinator can actually call plays to exploit what the defense is doing?
  15. After listening to him call games, I wonder if coaching is in his future.
  16. Take away Watson's legs and... er too soon?
  17. So the fact that Dennison was calling ineffective run plays and long-developing pass routes instead of something more intelligent to exploit the aggressive 5-man pass rush is the offensive line's fault too?
  18. That house isn't fit for a peasant.
  19. If he were a franchise QB, he would have stats approaching those in a season, not 3.
  20. No, he is not a franchise QB. He is an average to slightly above average QB, but not a franchise QB.
  21. That is what the judge ruled. Dishonorable discharge, busted to private, $10,000 in pay forfeiture and no incarceration.
  22. I see a lot of tackling drills in the near future for the defense.
  23. It is stunning that Dennison did not start calling shorter pass routes or go to more spread formations to counter the Jests front.
  24. As Romo said at the outset: Tyrod needs to trust his eyes if he wants to take that next step.
  25. I think the idea of people paying less individually is because they are trying to double the standard deduction, which would make the removal of most deductions irrelevant to all but some upper middle class taxpayers finding themselves in a higher tax bracket.
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