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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/meet-marine-colonel-whos-looking-turn-alabama-senate-212706655--abc-news-topstories.html Wonder how much the Democrats paid this guy to try to split the GOP vote.
  2. As a criminal defense lawyer, I actually love body cameras. No one can lie about what happened when the entire encounter is on tape, and it's a great thing to harp on when there are convenient gaps in the recording. Buddy of mine had a case where the cops did a completely illegal search of his client's cell phone on camera. Once he started making noise about that, the client was very quickly offered a great plea offer, ultimately resulting in a dismissal of all the charges.
  3. I really love the Libtards crying about the Jackson portrait. They apparently forget that their donkey mascot is in honor of him.
  4. Doubt it would work. The answer to that proposed change is for everyone to line up with the center not reaching for the ball until the QB gives him a signal. Of course, nothing is stopping the defensive coaches from calling audibles themselves before their radios are turned off...
  5. New York's law was changed earlier this year.
  6. I'd be pissed too, if I lost such easy access to services...
  7. Maybe Lieawatha will utilize her Indian heritage and scalp him mid-debate.
  8. Those white devils should know that raising the standard of living in a community discriminates against the minority welfare queen crowd. The owners of that coffee shop should be ashamed - ASHAMED - that they support such blatant racism while profiting from the blackness of their coffee.
  9. 2/10 would still bang.
  10. Yes, but more because he's an unfunny douche than caring about the allegations.
  11. If we would just stop letting cows fart, causing global warming, the mantle would not have cracked. We should all be ashamed of ourselves. Self-flagellation for everyone!
  12. We have to be prepared in case Gerry attacks Pearl Harbor again!
  13. It is absolutely amazing what idiots will say and admit to when they're trying to talk themselves out of trouble.
  14. Either way, you're equally guilty.
  15. Are you qualified to properly sexually harass women decades ago?
  16. How can we move on when she so clearly lost because of misogynists Comey Russians party traitors hacking collusion Electoral College aliens? She lost because of aliens.
  17. I was wondering how long it would take the left to try to turn the Weinstein effect to their advantage. Nothing like ancient, unproveable allegations to smear someone's name. The best part is that they will cry he's guilty unless he denies it happened, then he's even more guilty for casting doubt on the poor innocent victim's claims.
  18. Thoughts and prayers, buddy. Thoughts and prayers.
  19. The sentence was the maximum allowed for the crime she plead to.
  20. Or motel room paid for in cash.
  21. Eh, with the cult of personality that they've built up as a family, he has to be careful not to tarnish Daddy or Grandpa.
  22. That was his father who got 11 holes-in-one on his first golf outing, not Rocketman.
  23. On the bright side, maybe you can start buying up good scripts/rights on the cheap, and just wait for the 'taint' to blow over.
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