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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. He will, at an unspecified date and time.
  2. They have meetings every Tuesday and Thursday. 6:00 pm sharp. Bring a white dish to pass.
  3. Watching that half-empty stadium in the second half was great.
  4. The sheer arrogance of the media is what I find hilarious: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-blasts-washington-post-writer-fake-news-tweet-012249141.html Reporter posts pictures and falsely claims an arena was half empty to trash Trump. Gets called out and removes the tweets (he did apologize, which I give him credit for). Trump wants him fired for posting what is objectively 'fake news'. Now Trump is assaulting the 1st Amendment for wanting a reporter who posted objectively false information fired. They've gone full retard at this point.
  5. That's fine. The line is crossed when the body gets cold.
  6. Dude, the corpse is cold by now, that's when it turns into just being wrong.
  7. I love how he's still a 'child molester', even though story after story gets proven false. Keep pushing that narrative, though. Joseph Goebbels taught you liberal idiots well.
  8. I wonder what the city's plan would be to forcibly close down these shops who refuse to remove their bulletproof glass... shoot their way in?
  9. It is. I get the theory behind it, but it is condescending to give someone a token interview solely because they're a minority. The NFL would hate me as an owner. I would interview some Asian grandmother as my Rooney Rule interview, then get into the real interviews of qualified candidates (regardless of what race they are.)
  10. Dude, not only are they real, but they have their own space fleet!
  11. What if I discriminate against the French for being cheese-eating surrender monkeys and !@#$s? Does that make me racist?
  12. So what you're saying is that they smelled what The Rock was cooking?
  13. Well, he did make a career out of that before going into politics.
  14. You keep believing that.
  15. It's been conclusively proven that she didn't mean to break any federal laws, so therefore she should not be prosecuted. Besides, according to her insincere apology, she's really sorry.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-impeachment-vote-shot-down-191000734.html Oops...
  17. We just ate the last ones on Tuesday.
  18. C'mon man, it was Carlos Danger who did the dirty deeds and framed Weiner! It's in the email!
  19. I have been to New Jersey. I still fully support its annihilation by patriotic Canuckians based upon the atrocity committed, as outlined by the OP.
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