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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Oh sure, losing who is, by far, your best offensive player is always a good thing...
  2. Keep pushing the 'Red Menace' narrative like it's 1954...
  3. Well, you have to give them credit for trying to stand by the stuff they think they can use to make money. Though the false claim of "confirmation" is hilarious. Edit: As a side note, I would suspect that it is accurate that their "sources" are unpaid, as I'm sure those 'unnamed sources citing unnamed methods' are totally real and not figments of Steele's imagination (like all of the dossier).
  4. Too bad the PPP award nominations are closed.
  5. I'm waiting for the narrative that the unrest was caused by a youtube video.
  6. I wouldn't throw her out of bed for eating crackers...
  7. Why? Word has it he's a fat, lazy, selfish, stupid, out-of-shape bust who is also a cancer in the locker room.
  8. That's old news, and doesn't count in light of the latest DNC talking points memo.
  9. He was out of bounds. Part of his back was over the line while he was still touching the ball. Play is over at that point. While I have no use for the NFL head office, I think they got this one right. He was clearly touching the ball while part of his body was out of bounds.
  10. Leave them kids alone.
  11. I would hope so. Crazy Al worked hard to screw his partners out of their ownership stakes and control of the team.
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/us/illegal-voting-gets-texas-woman-8-years-in-prison-and-certain-deportation.html Oh, whoops. I did like her defense though, "she's too stupid to know better." That would be most Democrats...
  13. You know he'll never answer a question that doesn't involve the DNC talking point of the day.
  14. Because illegals vote Democrat.
  15. Maybe he just needs a reset button.
  16. Yeah, but only for Tuesdays.
  17. So you're one of *those*. Fruit of the Loom, buddy. Fruit. Of. The. Loom.
  18. Nuance may or may not be my thing. I did once manage to slip fart jokes in an appellate brief...
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