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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Your complete lack of understanding of how the US Constitution works does not invalidate any points made which which you disagree.
  2. The Constitution grants the federal government the authority to regulate commerce between the states. So yes, it does have the authority to arbitrarily make flowers illegal.
  3. I am fine with the problem existing, and I am sure it does. We will see how it plays out. Calling it a "power struggle" between the three is sensationalist clickbait nonsense.
  4. Sessions was pretty clear from the get-go: He will enforce the laws on the books. If you don't like the laws as written, petition Congress to change them.
  5. Power struggle between the three? Yeah... I'm pretty sure Mr. Kraft wins any "power struggle" by default. However, this seems like sensationalist nonsense. How the !@#$ do you have a "power struggle" over taking credit? Seriously, is that even a thing? A childish argument? absolutely. Frosty relations and bruised egos? Certainly. A "power struggle"? Not buying it.
  6. I'm not so sure the mullahs running out of money to pay them is much of a problem; the IRGC has their fingers in most in business dealings throughout the country, so I think they really raise their own revenue (at least in terms of personal enrichment). That's what they're going to be interested in protecting, with the mullahs being protected inasmuch as the religious leaders give them the legitimacy to exist. I hope to God I'm wrong and the protesters prevail. I just see it going bloody and badly there for the protesters in the next few days.
  7. Man, if there was only some way to change federal law. A collection of individuals who could meet in some sort of Congress to deliberate and pass legislation. Perhaps they could be regularly chosen from amongst the people to do such a civic duty and face voter backlash if they do not seek to carry out the will of their constituents. Oh well, !@#$ Sessions and his facist/nazi/misogynistic/racist/blahblahblah acts.
  8. I'm not sure the Iranian military being on the protester's side will be enough. Their regular military has always been secondary (in resources/training/equipment/etc.) to the IRGC, who answer only to the Ayatollah. The commanders of the Revolutionary Guard Corps have a vested interest in using brutal force to keep the status quo, as their corrupt dealings (which the mullahs have turned a blind eye towards) have led them to having their hands in most economic pies, which they would lose if the theocracy is overthrown and their patrons deposed.
  9. You've been brainwashed by the Pro-Israel media.
  10. You idiots keep going with that daydream. It's been working so well since November, 2016.
  11. I prefer the Tonya Harding approach... He can't run on one leg!
  12. I was referring more to the dimpled non-votes the democrats wanted to interpret the voter meaning as a vote for Gore, on top of the double-votes that they deemed were obviously supposed to go for Gore, but the old people were too stupid to get it correct.
  13. That is just is true now as it was back in 2000. The voter should have gotten another ballot when they realized they screwed up or the vote shouldn't count. I just find it funny how the Democrats are now suddenly against interpreting ballots when it goes against them.
  14. Yes, however, unlike in Florida in 2000, you are now not supposed to use voter intent when counting a ballot.
  15. "Historical anals" about sums it up...
  16. Please, his morning bowel movement is enough for a partisan hack like you to declare him not fit to be president.
  17. Wasn't this 2017's pipe dream wish after the glorious electoral college revolt didn't happen in 2016?
  18. Starting Peterman lit a fire under Tyrod's ass, which helped carry the team into the playoffs. I'd say the experiment worked pretty well.
  19. Uh huh, so what does that have to do with the rest of the country subsidizing state taxes? Is that taken into account with the no-context per capita nonsense that the left tries to whip out to prove their "point"? Here's a thought, if you don't like your state taxes, gee, try blaming Cuomo and the 3-men-in-a-room system that the dipshits in this state just voted overwhelmingly to continue. Try blaming Albany for unfunded state mandates crippling your county property taxes. If you're blaming Trump because of SALT hurting your life (and let's be honest, it ain't going to be that bad, unless you're stupidly living beyond your means), take a close look in the mirror.
  20. So how is NY, NJ, CA, etc. having high STATE taxes a federal problem that needs the rest of the country to subsidize?
  21. Oh my god, he may "perhaps blunder us into war". The hypothetical horror! Think of the theoretical children! Who has had their health care sabotaged? You do know there is a difference between heath INSURANCE and health CARE, right? Oh wait, I already know the answer.
  22. Yeah, that healthy, robust economy, lower tax burden, and lower regulatory burden has really been hard to live through.
  23. I can't wait to see the campaign commercial promises of Armageddon the DNC ads will shout. We barely survived the inauguration apocalypse, the sheer devastation wrought by net neutrality, and the end of all life with the tax bill. I'm excited to see what kind of dumbshit the libs will dream up next. Wait, didn't Romney give some broad chick cancer?
  24. You know, it's amazing how many times you try to claim victory for your 'team', only to look like a colossal fool.
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