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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the GOP strategy for 2018 doesn't involve courting the stoner vote.
  2. Glad she's making her payments, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for her. She got a master's degree without a plan, has a crappy-paying job she's not really looking to upgrade, and bought a house she can't afford. It's great that she's happy, but she put herself in that financial situation. Oh and yeah, I would.
  3. There should be an outpouring of support. It was a damn nice lawn. The illegal Mexican landscapers were paid pennies to spend hundreds of man-hours making it just right.
  4. I'm not advocating for him to have either the Universal or WWE belts; I don't think his body could handle even a Lesnar-type schedule as champ. I just don't see any other stories worth telling with the Undertaker. The streak is over, Cena doesn't need to be put over, and last year's ending was the perfect way to go out.
  5. I saw that rumor. I hope it's false. He went out perfectly last year, why ruin it by trying to have him continue to perform? The only possible reason I could see them doing another match is if his hip surgery went exceedingly well, and he's able to come up with a high level match again. I still don't see a point other than "OMG Undertaker" being the story... which got old years ago. The streak is over, there's nothing left for him to do, other than give him one last championship run (which it seems like he couldn't handle physically).
  6. I'm sure he was practicing most of the day before they pre-taped the segment. I thought it was funny how they ruined the effect by having Samoa Joe come out within a few moments of the immediate backstage area being destroyed.
  7. Rye?!? !@#$ him, he's a cancer in the locker room. He needs to go, like now.
  8. No doubt part of him is dying to be on the field. Hopefully the rest of him enjoys being able to walk.
  9. True, but even supreme benevolent dictators need a rubber-stamp legislature to keep up the appearances of legitimacy.
  10. When it comes to drafting and passing legislation, yeah they kinda are the only branch that matters.
  11. If true that part of the Bills gameplan was to get those idiots to be idiots, it was not a bad strategy.
  12. C'mon man, who cares about that crap? We need to know how many scoops of ice cream Trump has every night! That's where the money is.
  13. Looks like the judge finally gave some respect to Mr. Bundy for scoring 4 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High School in 1966.
  14. Call? Please. Coded message delivered by a carrier pigeon, which was disguised as a Doritos bag.
  15. Don't give those idiots any ideas. They already pulled the "Romney gave my wife cancer" card in 2012; I'm sure they're quite willing to run ads that "AT&T gave my wife a bonus... then killed her the next day!"
  16. Yeah, about that... So you're saying Putin authorized lethal weapons to be used by Ukraine against his own troops? He's sticking with sanctions that hurt his own economy? Never go full retard, Tibs. It never works out well for you.
  17. Dr. Phil as Secretary of State. He'll have the Israelis and Palestinians hugging by the second commercial break.
  18. I didn't want to completely crush the guy.
  19. Interesting. Just out of curiosity, since you keep trying to claim Trump is an idiot: which one of you two is a billionaire and President, and which one is you? Bonus question: how sad does that make your life?
  20. Yeah, now if only dipshits like you would actually comprehend it, we'd be off to a good start. However, if you are trying to imply that the popular vote is a thing, just answer me one question: Who is the President of the United States of America?
  21. No, actually a plurality of the people in a majority of the states voted for Trump. You know, that's kinda how he won the electoral college. There is no such thing as the popular vote. And no, Hillary never won a "majority" of anything.
  22. That was sort of one of their complaints...
  23. Your flanking argument is irrelevant (and yeah, you were moving the goal posts.) The Commerce Clause has been stretched to absurdity, and consistently upheld to regulate most things. In fact, it was even used by the Supreme Court back in the 60's to force a restaurant, which engaged in almost no interstate commerce, to serve black customers, reasoning that even a minimal amount of interstate commerce (they may have gotten eating utensils or napkins or some such from out of state) was enough to apply federal law.
  24. You really can't stop continuing to change wording to fit your changing narrative, can you? Never change buddy. Never change. I never once said WHY it should be illegal, never once advocated that it should be illegal, and you did not start this bull **** 'gardening' argument until after you were called out for being wrong. What I actually said - and pay attention here - is that the commerce clause of the US Constitution allows for Congress to make such a law. That's it. This comment was in response to your uninformed position that it's somehow unconstitutional. The standard for unconstitutionality, by the way, does not include whether or not you like a law. He's really not gator. He was a BBMB regular.
  25. Interesting that you keep changing wording when called out on your bull ****.
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