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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. The fact that he wasn't given any head coaching job tells me I'm right. However, defend your position: How does one good year as the Bills DC suddenly make him a good HC? Keep in mind that he wasn't very good in Detroit. What magically changed after one good year as the Bills DC?
  2. Exactly. This is a publicity stunt campaign.
  3. No, it wasn't a mistake. Schwartz was not a good HC. There's a reason that Detroit fired him. Don't confuse having one good year as a coordinator with ability to be a head coach.
  4. That's just what the Hypnotoad wants you to believe.
  5. Of course it's a sham issue. The Democrats couldn't give two !@#$s about the DACA kids. They just want to proclaim victim status for the DACAs, obstruct any legislation to help them, and blame the GOP for not doing anything about it. The Democrats do not benefit at the polls if something is actually done on Capitol Hill.
  6. I'll bet you Tibs will start claiming Romney gave Trump the AIDS, just like he gave that woman cancer.
  7. He did say it in private in an unknown context. I know I'd certainly change my vote based on that, were I a legislator. This ranks right up with TWO scoops of ice cream that the evil racist misogynistic Nazi rat bastard demanded. #resist
  8. Wait, a real estate developer sold real estate? Holy ****, stop the presses! This is almost as big as Trump having TWO scoops of ice cream! All aboard the impeachment train!
  9. Wonder what he did to piss the Clintons off...
  10. He wiped out goodwill with whom? The #resistance? The #nevertrump crowd? The #notmypresident snowflakes? The people in the shithole countries? Anyone who actually matters?
  11. 138 What the actual !@#$?
  12. Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  13. Of those three names, none were charged with anything to do with "collusion". In fact, it is uncontroverted that Popadickwad was a nobody who was repeatedly rebuffed when he actively tried to set up meetings with Russians. Oh, that and he's literally a convicted liar. You're connecting dots not because there are dots to connect, but because Trump's not a Democrat and kicked you're girls ass in the election.
  14. All what evidence against Trump? There has been nothing of substance presented as evidence of anything. His son went to a 5 minute meeting where nothing happened? So what? All your "evidence" comes from a resoundingly debunked dossier commissioned and leaked by Clinton.
  15. Crazy eyes. I'd pass because of that (otherwise, yes).
  16. I'd add RG and RT to that list of major need for upgrades.
  17. Unless they're politically trumped up charges against the guy who kicked Hillary's ass, right? This collusion nonsense is the very definition of "politically trumped up", especially since the allegations came directly and solely from Hillary's campaign.
  18. That's what happens when you load the investigations with partisan Democrat hacks.
  19. Which goes back to you having absolutely no understanding of what the difference is between an interview and testimony.
  20. Clearly you don't understand what a subpoena is. A subpoena is a directive to appear (or produce documentation) to a court. It is not used, and cannot be used, to compel someone to show up at your office for an interview. A subpoena cannot be used to compel someone to submit to questioning outside of an official court proceeding - as in a trial or other evidentiary hearing.
  21. Joe and Cena would be a great Wrestlemania matchup. They could potentially steal the show with the right story (as in the match isn't 95% Cena getting beat on just to overcome with his 5 moves of doom).
  22. The first question wasn't a yes or no question, dipshit.
  23. That's a hell of a leap of faith to assume he has a brain.
  24. Subpoena him to what? Do you even know what a subpoena is? Actually, do you even know what the difference between an interview and testimony is?
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