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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Yet instead of answering an incredibly simple yes or no question, you continue to insult me. You won't answer, because answering either makes you a hypocrite or a moron. Here's a final thought: Why don't you get a !@#$ing clue. Only an idiot spends two first round picks (plus players) on a guy with 7 starts.
  2. And yet, he's only played 5 games with San Francisco. Whether or not he's a rookie is completely irrelevant to the question. You are basing your position on 7 whole games (two of which are with NE). Now you want to cherry pick. That's fun! Would you have traded two first round picks for RGIII during his rookie season? It's a simple yes or no question. What about Nick Foles? Ryan Leaf? The fact that you refuse to answer speaks volumes.
  3. Publicity? Generate hits for his website?
  4. What's your solution, then? Contracts are two-way streets, so the Bills aren't going to successfully demand he renegotiate for less money. Oh, and in what universe is over 30% of your offense not worth an $8.9 million cap hit?
  5. You're right, they should cut an elite running back. Because players who account for 30+% of an offense are just a dime-a-dozen.
  6. So would you have offered that much at RGIII during his rookie season when he looked incredible? What about Nick Foles when he was putting up gaudy stats, was he worth two first round picks? 5 games is not a good sample size. Hopefully he's the real deal, but 5 games is a very small sample size to offer two first round picks and players. Just for context: Ryan Leaf went 4-0 his first 4 NFL games.
  7. For the Alliance, mother!@#$er!
  8. In other news, a Patriots player was mysteriously cut several days before the AFC Championship game. Sources say he came within 12 inches of Tom Brady, causing pain in Brady's throwing hand after Brady started pounding his fist into the ground while throwing a temper tantrum that someone came near him and he wasn't given a flag.
  9. I like the irony of Don Shula's boy winning a Super Bowl ring with papa's most hated rival. The ability to coach thing is probably important too.
  10. Does no one remember the lesson of Rob Johnson? Beware going after a guy with a short track record.
  11. The skills that people develop to kill themselves after crossing the Clinton machine are just astounding!
  12. He committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head... after he was mugged with nothing taken!
  13. That or - more likely - they're just looking to score political points without actually giving a **** what happens to the DACAs.
  14. Too bad we can't draw, quarter and send his body parts to the 4 corners of England.
  15. Why are the Democrats holding the country hostage by threatening to shut down the government to protect illegal aliens?
  16. Great, they've got another legislator who will flee the state instead of showing up and doing her job.
  17. Don't forget to take a Viagra an hour before too. Helps with the blood flow.
  18. That report you're relying on has been pretty well debunked, after months of the media lying about it. There is a reason it hasn't been mentioned in months.
  19. Well, if Wikipedia says so, it must be true!
  20. Most government workers have qualified immunity; prosecutors and judges have absolute immunity (when acting in the scope of their official duties).
  21. Which is true, but they'd be laughed right out of office if they tried to pass Articles of Impeachment that accused him of defeating Hillary at the polls in November, 2016.
  22. Prosecutors are largely immune to prosecution when acting as a prosecutor (they are immune for issues that are within the scope of their official duties). It's a very high burden to show that a prosecutor was not only acting outside the scope of their duties, but that, in addition, a cognizable constitutional right was violated.
  23. First of all, there is no proof that Russia did anything other than run some facebook ads. They did not have any appreciable effect on the election, and they most certainly did not "hack" anything. Second, he maintained the weak sanctions Obama imposed as a result of this supposed interference, so to say he's done nothing is to admit that neither did your boy Obama. Being butthurt over Hillary losing the election is not an impeachable offense. However, more to actual things that happened: How is the economy? What are your feelings on Trump actually making the legislative branch legislate, rather than ruling by executive order? In the real world, he's only a "complete disaster" to idiots who can't get over losing in November 2016.
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