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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, looks like the media is fulfilling their duty to the Democrats by attempting to discredit the memo before it comes out: https://www.yahoo.com/news/house-gopers-secret-memo-could-011414007.html Interesting they're still going to the old Clinton playbook: Attack the messenger and ignore the message.
  2. Too bad your Democrat heroes sold out those same poor children for a bad attempt at scoring political points.
  3. Obviously he forgot to smoke a bowl to counteract the drugs he 'accidentally' overdosed on.
  4. Yeah, I know someone who claims their dog is a "support animal" so they don't have to pay when they fly to their vacation home. That **** isn't impressive.
  5. He's actually running for mayor of his county in Tennessee. https://jacobsformayor.com/
  6. Pretty sure he'll chokeslam you to hell if you don't vote for him, regardless of party.
  7. Weren't the Bills already declared 'North America's Team' by TO?
  8. https://phys.org/news/2017-03-sun-impact-climate-quantified.html Oh, whoops. Don't you look like quite the dumbass?
  9. If I recall correctly, for the longest time the computer models didn't even account for the sun or its cycles.
  10. I'd love to see the reaction if someone stole the Court of Appeals judges' cars.
  11. Leaving the scene of a property damage accident?
  12. Have you noticed that the only place we've sent astronauts to is a white/silvery moon? Meanwhile the 'red' planet (which is a racist term to begin with) gets unmanned rovers. They send mechanical !@#$ing dogs to the 'red' planet. What kind of bull **** is that?!? Hell, even the international space station is white.
  13. Jealousy. Trump is laid while he is stuck trying to hit on Mary J. Rottencrotch at the dive bar.
  14. You notice they never send anyone to the brown planets? NASA has never even proposed a mission to visit a brown dwarf! !@#$ing racists.
  15. Well it was a Newsweek photo. I don't think they've published anything accurate in the past decade.
  16. I have little sympathy for idiots who use their helmets as weapons during a tackle and get themselves injured. Yes, that includes Kevin Everett.
  17. Don't forget putting up barriers and armed guards ensuring that people cannot get to federal parks and monuments that aren't staffed anyhow.
  18. You might want to read the caption. Those weren't feds.
  19. But in this case, there's consensus - which we all know makes it settled science.
  20. Don't be hating on the hat. Whenever the Cowgirls play the Dolphins, I almost root for al Qaeda. This AFC Championship game is approaching that level for me.
  21. It's almost like these (*^*&%^$^#liberals have never heard of the Supremacy Clause.
  22. Would being forced to only have ONE scoop instead of TWO still make him a Nazi?
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