If not that, then when the other Jacksonville players said they didn't hear anything.
It's very telling that the Jagoff couldn't remember what Incognito said after being called out on his twitter claim.
Raw 25 was a darn entertaining show. They did a great job trying to work everyone in a little bit.
Wish they had done a little more with the women, though. Just lining them up to take a bow seems somewhat anticlimactic after touting the Women's [r]evolution so hard for the past few months.
Yeah, but #SchumerShutDown has the alliteration thing going, so it rolls off the tongue far easier that #TrumpShutDown or your suggestions.
Always make sure your twitter slogans are smooth to say.
That was what I was thinking when I heard they wanted to end the shutdown so quickly.
The #SchumerShutDown thing was a great marketing campaign, and apparently worked to pin it on him and the Democrats.
We are? Where was this when Obama claimed he had a pen and a phone, changing legislation by executive order?
Or are we only a country of laws when a Republican is in charge?
Man, the 1% of America who benefited are really happy. The other 437% should rise up against the evil GOP Nazis and demand that their taxes go back up!
You're not very good at this. 0.5/10. The 0.5 is because you used punctuation in your trolling attempt.
That's unfortunate. He should probably think about getting that looked at. Could be the side effect of whiny BBMB refugees.
On the bright side, only 6 years, 364 days left to go of their whiny collusion/treason histrionics. I wonder if lefty meltdowns will still be as entertaining 7 years from now...
What do you think he's been setting up for the past 5 years? Fall of an empire (or three)? Preservation of the US hegemony? !@#$ no, he's been working on manipulating the system to get the Bills a new stadium!
Yet the Democrats were against 6 years of funding for that program because they didn't want to fund the government for a month.
To say they didn't turn their backs on those poor children is an outright lie. Also known as a Democrat talking point.