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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. And that's why Trump was elected president.
  2. After 14 months of constant Trump-bashing and ridiculous stories from the press (TWO scoops, anyone?), is it any wonder that no one cares when they dig up something that might actually have been a scandal?
  3. How does one hamper a special counsel's probe, before there's a special counsel's probe? Is Trump just that damned good at colluding/obstructing/liberaltears?
  4. Well good thing we know that the liberals are sticking for illegals out of principle, not out of a cynical strategy to use them as a feel-good sob story for political gain.
  5. Only $3.2 billion?!? Mere breadcrumbs.
  6. You do know that when you took his class, Professor Loch Ness Monster didn't actually have a degree in economics, right?
  7. I can't figure out from this article if the outrage is over the perceived lack of safety in buying the meat after being transported in the carts, or whether or not the shopping carts are being cleaned or just put back for customer use afterwards.
  8. We need to be good citizens and pray for the economy to tank, so that the Democrats can take control of Congress and save us all from the bad economy!
  9. This is about as interesting as when Fredo Corleone went fishing...
  10. Not only did he want to, before not doing it, he had TWO scoops of ice cream. IMPEACH!
  11. Because the CNN headlines about Trump have TWO scoops of ice cream while everyone else only had one isn't noise.
  12. Uh, no president in US history has been elected by the popular vote. Pretty sure the pollsters knew that coming into 2016.
  13. Couldn't do that without some major litigation. I'd wager the Titans still own the name/logo.
  14. Didn't Hillary have a 90% chance of winning the 2016 election, according to the pollsters?
  15. Easy there, snitches get strawed in the yard.
  16. How do you reduce tape to an analytic report (you know, without actually forcing the person to watch the tape, which makes any analytic report unnecessary)?
  17. Analytics are great for games like baseball, where you can keep track of in-depth stats like how a particular batter does against left-handed pitchers or a certain type of pitch. So much of football isn't quantifiable. There are no stats as to whether a receiver ran the correct route on a play or whether a DB blew a coverage or was supposed to get safety help, for example. Others are misleading, such as interceptions or quarterback ratings (interceptions may or may not be the QBs fault, and ratings are only useful to generate a general estimate of efficiency over a long period of time.)
  18. C'mon now, be fair. The legislator is amending his proposal to remove the fine.
  19. Wow, that liberal idiot went full-on gatortard. Though I do love this bit: I can see the conversations at the county jail now: "Hey man, whatcha in for?" "My ol' lady got mouthy, so I had to teach her a lesson, you?" "I gave a someone an unsolicited straw!"
  20. McMahon would be smart to go after some FA vets as well as going hard after high school recruits with a promise of a paycheck and national exposure. Bringing in good coaches and competing with the NCAA for kids would net the new league some good talent and set himself up as a developmental league. The biggest problem the XFL had was that it was just bad football. No one wants to see washed up NFL rejects play badly. However, people might be willing to watch BCS-level talent develop, following them to the NFL like people do with NCAA.
  21. No self-respecting distinguished attorney, Harvard Law professor, and/or liberal would be caught dead on Faux News, so therefore he is just some guy.
  22. 64% of the time. The Germans (especially during the Weimar Republic) were pansies. They don't know economic hardship. It only took them ONE wheelbarrow full of Deutschmarks to buy some groceries. We all know that pales in comparison to the situation on January 20, 2009 at 12:01 pm. Hell, even FDR took over a rosy situation from Hoover compared to the heroic struggle that St. Obama was forced to contend with.
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