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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Man, if Trump had only called it a peaceful protest, the people in attendance would have been completely immune from the Flu Manchu. #IMPEACH
  2. Suspending him without pay is overkill for a horrible and unfunny joke 4 years ago (said when he was 22.) Hopefully it goes no farther than that.
  3. I like Pence, but he seems to be about as exciting and charismatic as wallpaper.
  4. I'm very impressed with her, but I do not see her becoming a GOP leader in the next 4 years. For all she brings to the table (which is a lot), she has no actual political experience. Trump got away with having no experience because he's Trump. She is not.
  5. Seems like Twitter is getting desperate. If Trump wins, they lose their legal protections.
  6. History started on January 20, 2017 at about noon. Nothing negative a Democrat did before that matters.
  7. I don't ***** around.
  8. Send in the social workers, interpretive dance teams, AND the slam poetry unit!
  9. Won't work. Those tools think that true socialism hasn't been done correctly yet, and they're the ones to do it right; they will create a utopia where everyone else failed.
  10. Seems to me that the idiots responding to his tweet completely missed the point.
  11. I like how he's pretending that his vacation was planned to happen just as someone remembered his Karl Malone skits. Of course, no one points out that Malone was also a sexual predator who liked to screw 12 year old girls (thus creating a former LT for the Bills.)
  12. Why are all these people, who 'ain't black', saying they have black voices?
  13. The amount of 'errors' and 'misprints' will be staggering, if the Democrats get their wish to have mail-in voter fraud elections.
  14. Well, that's what happens when your military doctrine is more about getting your soldiers to believe propaganda than teaching them to be fighters.
  15. I did. He said you're not very bright.
  16. Wow, that burn was brutal. I hope they got that kid some medical attention (or at least some aloe) afterwards.
  17. I totally believe that Bolton heard that third-hand from someone who spoke with an interpreter. The only more trustworthy method of finding out is 'unnamed sources who spoke to those with knowledge, citing unnamed methods!'
  18. It must have been political, and totally not because his dossier was full of obvious and tangible bullschitt!
  19. Because those black lives don't matter; they can't be used as political props.
  20. Damn that Trump!
  21. I'm actually surprised it took this long for one to be reported.
  22. Didn't require 'mail'? Oh, and that money is going to get laundered and donated to Biden/DNC.
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