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Everything posted by Koko78

  1. Well, as my boss likes to say: "How can you trust an agency that can (and does) lie to you, but will prosecute you if you lie to them?"
  2. Cleveland is my pick for the same reason. They could also be an interesting place for him to go as a savior, if they have a decent draft. However, regardless of the situation, Cousins strikes me as a guy who will go to whomever wants to pay him a metric crapton of money.
  3. It was. He agreed to the mutual decision to leave his employment at about the same time 5 armed FBI Police showed up at his office to escort him out.
  4. Hey dumbass, the memo is not classified information once it's declassified. Hillary's emails contained classified information that was actually still classified. I know distinctions don't matter to you when you're spouting talking points, but you know, facts.
  5. Is the original in the correct font this time?
  6. Not suspicious at all. Simply a pure unadulterated coincidence. You know, like people being depressed and shooting themselves in the back of the head twice after crossing the Clinton machine.
  7. Speak for yourself, that could be entertaining!
  8. Ok fine. The Kennedy car wreck doesn't involve a dead body... yet.
  9. Well, at least this Kennedy car wreck didn't involve a dead body.
  10. What a !@#$ing Nazi.
  11. Reflecting the light coming from Venus.
  12. Just now?!? My God man, he's been doing that near daily for the past 4.5 years.
  13. That's actually quite brilliant, if true. No one will give a **** about the Democrat/Resistance responses.
  14. Those mere breadcrumbs are not sufficient. Trump must be impeached now, before all of America is flooded with a deadly tsunami of investment capital!
  15. So you're not going to include people of color in your new production? That's offensive.
  16. Uh, when did this country allow the illegal immigrant "to become part of our community fabric"? He was !@#$ing here illegally! There was no "allow" about it.
  17. Upset? No amount of idiocy from you can upset me. I find it hysterical that you apparently take it personally when someone makes a post that's even dumber than your usual drivel.
  18. Wow, you actually took it as a challenge that TYTT called KW95's post the "dumbest thing" on this board in awhile.
  19. Well, it's not like Obama let Hezbollah become major drug suppliers in the US... oh wait.
  20. Yeah... except that if there were no dossier, there would be no investigation to "obstruct". We'll just ignore the fact that you don't understand what "obstruction" actually means. Though I do like this new DNC-approved talking point that the discredited memo that started the investigation no longer matters. It's like Americans dying in Libya, what does it matter?
  21. Somewhere there is a wife/mother dying of cancer. While Mitch Romney may have given that poor soul cancer, this sad cautionary tale is that of what happens when you elect Donald Trump as president. Just like when the cyclical economy cycles downward, it will all be because we were stupid enough to elect Trump. A Hillary presidency would have prevented that cancerous growth, and would have ushered in a golden age of endless and boundless economic prosperity. So in reality, the end of the world is really the fault of white cis-gendered males for electing Trump. Or something. Kill whitey.
  22. Of course they didn't. Nothing that happened in Davos can be reduced to an idiotic twitter hashtag.
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